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dc.contributor.authorSpatioti, Adamantia
dc.contributor.authorKazanidis, Loannis
dc.contributor.authorPange, Jenny
dc.identifier.citationSpatioti, A, Kazanidis, I, Pange, J. (2023). Educational Design and Evaluation Models of the learning effectiveness ın e-learning process: A systematic review. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 24 (4), 318-347.en_US
dc.description.abstractEducational Design and Evaluation Models are important factors in e-learning as they provide guidance information for proper strategy organization pursuing both specific learning outcomes and ensuring the main elements of e-learning, such as self-regulation and collaborative learning. The examined educational models of ADDIE, Bloom, and Kirkpatrick are widely known and recognized as models for design and measuring the effectiveness of learning in order to achieve the best possible learning outcomes based on the needs of a specific target group in a specific educational context whether traditional or digital. Specifically, the ADDIE Model is a widely known learning design model used by many educational designers and training programmers to develop education and training programs. The Bloom Taxonomy is a method of building learning goals that follows the process of cognition. The Kirkpatrick Model is a method of evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning and educational programs in general, both in terms of training and business performance of learners. The purpose of this paper was both the investigation of the academic performance, the self-regulated learning and the collaborative learning in relation to the models of ADDIE, Kirkpatrick and Bloom in distance online environments and their effectiveness to the learning process. Meta-analysis was applied for research methodology. After a systematic literature review, we found that only 37 articles were appropriate for meta-analysis. Especially, 23 articles were on the ADDIE model, 9 articles were on the Kirkpatrick model and 5 articles were on the Bloom model. According to the results of this study, we found that all models apply to online process and meet different learning requirements. Regarding the cognitive performance of the trainees, all models supported the effectiveness of distance education. Moreover, the self-regulated learning and the collaborative learning, as factors inextricably linked to the effectiveness of the distance education, were examined in a small number studies in the above models. Finally, all three examined models reinforced students’ positive attitudes and perceptions, even while transferring the acquired knowledge to the workplace.en_US
dc.publisherAnadolu Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectADDIE Modelen_US
dc.subjectBloom Taxonomyen_US
dc.subjectKirkpatrick Modelen_US
dc.subjectInstructional Designen_US
dc.subjectDistance Educationen_US
dc.titleEducational Design and Evaluation Models of the learning effectiveness ın e-learning process: A systematic reviewen_US
dc.relation.journalThe Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE)en_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarıen_US

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