Güncel Gönderiler: Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 191, listelenen: 81-100
The Use of Roof Tile Wastes in Stoneware Glazes
(Springer, 2014)In this study usability of roof tile waste, which emerges after production in a roof tile factory in Turkey-Eskisehir, as glaze raw material has been analyzed. Terracotta roof tile wastes' chemical (XRF) and mineralogical ... -
Utilization of Ferrochromium Fly Ash as a Pigment Raw Material in Stoneware Glaze and Underglaze Decoration
(Ceramics-Art & Perception Pty LTD, 2010)… -
Slate rock waste as a ceramic raw material
(Australian Ceramic Society, 2015)In this study, the use of slate wastes as a glaze raw material was evaluated. In the first stage, chemical (XRF), mineralogical (XRD) and thermal microscopy analyses, grain size distribution, and color and melting ... -
An investigation of color development by means of the factorial design in wall tile glazes with ferrochromium fly ash
(Natl Inst Science Communication-Niscair, 2015)In tile manufacturing; generally different glazes with 1-15 wt% pigment and dye are used to obtain aesthetic properties. It can be said that pigment and dyes are the most expensive raw materials in glaze production due to ... -
Basic Design Element "Line" in the Art Education
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2010)Basic Design course contains the theoretical and practical knowledge which the art students should use as fundamentals of their art and design works in the future. This course is the main course in the first year and it ... -
From The Memory Spaces of The City to Image: A Project-Based Learning Approach in Visual Art Education
(Anı Publishing, 2017)In recent years, in visual arts education, there has been a tendency towards teaching methods that expand learning beyond the school's walls, based on real world experiences, and that enable the students to develop meaningful ... -
Onaltıncı Yüzyılda Çağdaş Sanatçı: Matrakçı Nasuh
(2016)Çağdaş kavramı bilindiği üzere, eserin yapıldığı dönem içerisinde değerlendirildiğinde, ileriye dönük emareleri içerisinde barındıran olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Çağdaş ve güncel kavramları arasında yaşanan anlam kaymalarının ... -
Ceramic Basic Design Course Education for Freshmen & Museum of Anatolian Civilizations Example
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education & Development, 2017)Anadolu University Fine Arts Faculty Ceramic Department welcomes its students with first sculpting method at the first semester. Ceramic basic design course in which the students work with clay for six hours in a week is ... -
20. Yüzyıl Heykelinde Hazır Nesne, "Ready Made"
(2007)XX. Century was a period that too many innovative movements occured in social life and also the object reality-a result ' of industrialization-examined. Consumption society as an unavoidable result of the period, triggered ... -
Action Research About Development Of Student's Artistic Form Of Expression By Conceptual Art Activities
(Anı Publishing, 2019)Since the 1960's, rapid changes and transformations in the field of art have been experienced in the light of the technological and social developments that have been experienced, and the expression forms and thought forms ... -
Social Network-Based Visual Culture Instructional Activity in Visual Arts Education: Examining Hieronymus Bosch's 'The Garden of Earthly Delights'
(Anı Publishing, 2019)This study aims to examine the development and implementation of social network-based visual culture activities in the workshop courses that are part of the curricula in fine arts high schools. In their visual culture ... -
How to Practice Typographic Thinking: Supporting Creativity With Fast Sketching in Introduction Level Typography Courses
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education & Development, 2017)Typography is the craft of endowing human language with durable visual form and thus with an independent existence says Robert Bringhurst, author of the must-have book about typography, "Elements of Typographic Style". In ... -
Hümanist Yazının Tarihsel Kimliği
(2015)Bu çalışmada Gotik ve Hümanist yazı, Avrupa'da Ortaçağ'dan Rönesans'a geçişe paralel olarak tarihsel kimlikleri üzerinden incelenmektedir. Gutenberg'in matbaa tekniği, bu tekniğin getirdiği toplumsal dönüşümlerle birlikte ... -
Türkçe okuma yazma öğrenmek açısından Arap ve Latin alfabelerinin karşılaştırılması
(2014)Türkler İslamiyet öncesinde Uygur alfabesini kullanıyorlardı. İslamiyeti kabul etmeleriyle birlikte kullandıkları alfabeyi zamanla terk etmişler ve dillerini Arap yazısı çerçevesine sokmak zorunda kalmışlardır. Arap yazı ... -
Effects of Innovative Approaches in Classes on Students' Success: Examples of Sculpture Drawing Classes
(University Wroclaw, 2018)Concept: Drawing is the foundation of plastic arts. The drawing class is one of the art education fields where students focus on observation, questioning, research, and developing imagination. It can be seen that artists ... -
Yıldönümü Amblem Tasarımları
(2014)Kurumsal yıldönümleri; çoğunlukla ticari ya da ticari olmayan markalar tarafından kurumsal kimliğin değerini arttırmaya, çalışanlarla, müşterilerle ilişkileri güçlendirmeye ve yatırımcı güveni oluşturmaya yardımcı olan bir ...