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dc.contributor.authorToğram, Bülent
dc.contributor.authorÇıkan, Güliz
dc.contributor.authorDuru, Hüseyin
dc.contributor.authorToğram, Bülent
dc.contributor.authorÇıkan, Güliz
dc.contributor.authorDuru, Hüseyin
dc.description.abstractObjective: Assessing the language characteristics of aphasic patients is essential for aphasia rehabilitation. In Turkey, there is a limited number of tests developed for this purpose. There is a significant need literature for a study comparing aphasic patients' performance in Turkish aphasia tests. The overall purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation of aphasic individuals' performances on Language Assessment Test for Aphasia, Ege Aphasia Test, and Gülhane Aphasia Test-2 and to perform a criterion validity study for ADD. In addition to the aphasic participants, the performance of healthy participants as a control group on all three of the tests is analyzed. Material and Method: This study was carried out in two stages, the correlation study for the Language Assessment Test for Aphasia and the Ege Aphasia Test; and the correlation study of Language Assessment Test for Aphasia and the Gülhane Aphasia Test-2. In both steps, the tests were administered to 30 aphasic and 30 healthy participants and data from the corresponding subtests of the two tests were used. In addition, in both steps, the tests were administered to healthy participants and their performances were compared with those of the aphasic subjects. Results: The results show that aphasic subjects performed considerably less than healthy participants on all three tests and there is a significant difference between the performances of aphasic and healthy subjects. A high degree of correlation was found between the performances of aphasic subjects in the Language Assessment Test for Aphasia - Ege Aphasia Test and the Language Assessment Test for Aphasia - Gülhane Aphasia Test-2 Discussion: In conclusion, it was seen that all three tests show a high compatibility and they can be used interchangeably for the purpose of assessing the language characteristics of aphasic individuals.en_US
dc.subjectAssessment Of Aphasiaen_US
dc.subjectEge Aphasia Testen_US
dc.subjectGülhane Aphasia Test-2en_US
dc.subjectLanguage Assessment Test For Aphasiaen_US
dc.titleİnmeli Bireylerin Üç Türkçe Afazi Testindeki Performansları Arasındaki İlişki: Bir Ölçüt Geçerliği Çalışmasıen_US
dc.relation.journalTurk Noroloji Dergisien_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesi, Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları Eğitim Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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