Primary caregivers' perspectives regarding non-verbal behaviors of individuals with aphasia [Bi·ri·nci·l bakicilarin 'felçli· ve afazi·li· bi·reyleri·n' sözel olmayan davranişlarina i·li·şki·n görüşleri·]
The purpose of this study is to describe and to identify variables influencing primary caregivers' perspectives regarding non verbal behavior of individuals with aphasia. This descriptive correlational study includes 40 primary caregivers of individuals with aphasia. "Pre-interview Form for an Analysis of the Non-linguistic Behaviors of an Adult Aphasic Patient from His Child's Perspective" was used to collect data on primary caregivers' perspectives. Results revealed that primary caregivers, held negative perspectives in general, mostly on some essential topics including "Role Changes/ Responsibility", "Altered Social Life", "Rejection and Acceptance", and "Health". The perspectives of primary caregivers were significantly meaningful according to variables regarding primary caregivers (gender and educational level) and individuals with aphasia (gender and marital situation). More specifically, primary caregivers who were male and had undergraduate/graduate degrees and primary caregivers of individuals with aphasia who were male and married had more positive perspectives regarding the situation of individuals with aphasia.