Güncel Gönderiler: Öksüz Yayınlar
Toplam kayıt 1207, listelenen: 501-520
Digital natives and the digitalization of interior design studio
(2012)The methods and tools that comprise the education landscape are continuously evolving and bringing new progress. Every year the student profile differs from the previous year; each year students are increasingly becoming ... -
Tourism marketing in a developing economy: Frequent and infrequent visitors contrasted
(Taylor and Francis, 2013)This empirical study investigates the travel-related behaviour of frequent and infrequent travellers to the Cappadocia region of Turkey. The results of the survey are used in preparing strategic marketing plans for a ... -
Preservice mathematics teachers' knowledge of students about algebraic concepts
(Social Science Press, 2013)The aim of this study was to evaluate preservice primary mathematics teachers' ability to discuss and investigate students' thinking process about the concepts of variable, equality and equation, to analyse their ability ... -
Designing and implementing pharmacogenomics study
(Springer India, 2013)Pharmacogenomics of today has its origins in the 1950s with pioneering studies of monogenic variations in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics. With the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the advances in ... -
Cross-cultural differences in entrepreneurial tendencies: An exploratory view in Turkey and Canada
(Allied Academies, 2013)Even though entrepreneurship is not new, its popularity is still growing rapidly as a result of a wide range of factors. Removal of the trade barriers, global economic recessions, advancements in information and telecommunication ... -
The relation between electricity demand and the economic and demographic state: A multiple regression analysis
(International Research Center for Energy and, 2013)[No abstract available] -
Accreditation of online and distance learning programs: Online gis education program experience
(2013)The quality issue emerged as a topic of concern for the goods and product market has also become a key element in services like higher education. With the rise of the mobility of students, academicians and graduates, the ... -
Freedom of religion - Conscience, religious education and the right of education in the 1961 -1982 constitutions of the Republic of Turkey and their developmental tendencies [Türkiye cumhuriyeti 1961-1982 anayasalarinda din-vicdan özgürlügu, din egitimi, egitim hakki ve gelişme egilimleri]
(Ani Publishing, 2013)Problem Statement: The Constitutions are the main sources of legality for democratic societies. The 1961 and 1982 Constitutions have dominated the last fifty years of Turkey. In this regard, it is essential to examine and ... -
Sustainability and accreditation in architectural design education: The case of Anadolu university's department of architecture
(Common Ground Research Networks, 2013)It is easy to understand that the idea of "sustainability" is quite related to "natural life" and "continuity" when its meaning and the underlying philosophy are considered. After the emergence of environmental problems ... -
The visual presentation of beauty: A cross-cultural analysis of ads in cosmopolitan
(2013)What is beautiful? We can easily say that everyone has a description for beauty, but it changes from culture to culture. There is no universal definition for what beautiful is. Although some social scientists have proposed ... -
The expression of future in Turkish [Le futur du turc et ses traductions en français]
(GERFLINT, 2013)The status of affix -(y)AcAK, the future morpheme in Turkish, is an object of controversy. Certain linguists suggest that the affix -(y)AcAK is neither a marker of time nor aspect, but rather that of modality. Some others ... -
Using public relations process in setting up websites: A model proposal for open and distance education universities
(IGI Global, 2013)Information and communication technologies play a key role in public relations applications in creating an effective communication between institutions and target audiences and student support services of distance education ... -
Examining domestic transactions of incoming tourists with credit cards in Turkey
(2013)Changes in visitors' spending habits that take place within a definite region can be applied to a model of the local economy to carry out any conversions to be linked with income. To put into action some tourism and banking ... -
Offensiveness of Advertising with Violent Image Appeal: A Cross-Cultural Study
(2013)Violent images are often used in advertisements to gain attention and sell products, resulting in complaints to regulatory bodies and concern regarding the effects of these potentially offensive advertisements on society. ... -
Effects of duct shape on a ducted propeller performance
(2013)Performance characteristics and velocity field of a ducted propeller in hover and axial flight conditions are investigated experimentally. Five different circular duct shapes has been tested. Effect of duct geometry is ... -
Class-wide Positive Behavior Support plan on adhering to the classroom rules [Sinif çapli Olumlu Davraniş Destegi uygulamasinin sinif kurallarina uyma davranişi üzerindeki etkileri]
(2013)The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Positive Behaviors Support (PBS) plan that was designed after interviews with teachers and Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) on the behavior of obeying classroom ... -
Preservice primary school mathematics teachers' questioning skills and knowledge of students in terms of pedagogical content knowledge [lkögretim matematik ögretmeni adaylarinin pedagojik alan bilgisi baglaminda sorgulama becerileri ve ögrenci bilgileri]
(2013)The aim of this study was to determine preservice primary school mathematics teachers' skills to prepare clinical interview tasks, to question and to analyze and interpret the questioned students' thinking. The study group ... -
Science teacher candidates' thoughts about global warming studying in Turkey and United Kingdom [Türkiye ve Ingiltere'deki fen bilimleri alaninda ögrenim gören ögretmen adaylarinin küresel isinmaya yönelik düşünceleri]
(2013)Teachers have important roles in raising awareness of students about global warming and educating them as environmentally conscious individuals. Being a good environmental educator is related with the knowledge of the ... -
Constructing the "Arab Spring": News discourses in Turkish newspapers
(2013)Originating in Tunisia and spreading rapidly to Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, and Libya, the recent wave of popular movements that the Western media have dubbed the "Arab Spring" has been closely monitored by the whole world ... -
E-Book Readers for Everyone: FATIH Project
(IGI Global, 2013)Mobile Technology (MT) provides many opportunities to individuals, such as talking with people, watching movie clips, and reading books whenever or wherever they want. This also allows individuals to frequently connect for ...