Güncel Gönderiler: Öksüz Yayınlar
Toplam kayıt 1207, listelenen: 481-500
Advertising with social dimensions and emotional appeals: Content analysis on the case of the United States
(2011)The purpose of this study is to reveal the creative contents used in social advertisements in the United States. In scope, this study covers printed social advertisements from the United States website of the Ad Council, ... -
Perceived Social Support and Facebook Use Among Adolescents
(2012)Online social networks have gained considerable popularity among adolescents, but investigations on adolescent engagement with this technology have been limited. The current study investigated adolescents’ Facebook use ... -
Primary school students’ knowledge of line symmetry [Ilköğretim öğrencilerinin doğruya göre simetri bilgileri]
(Hacettepe University, 2012)Symmetry as one of the key concepts has a significant place at almost every stage of education. Whether the concept of symmetry is undeveloped or wrongly developed, influences many learning experience such as the students’ ... -
The relationship between online learners’ learning styles and learning strategies [çevrimiçi öğrenenlerin öğrenme biçimi ve öğrenme stratejileri arasindaki ilişki]
(Hacettepe University, 2012)Aim of this study is to determine the relationship between students’ learning styles and learning strategies in an online learning environment. Data regarding students’ learning styles were collected by using the Kolb ... -
Student retention in higher education in Turkey: A qualitative study
(2012)The purpose of this article is to investigate student perceptions of college departure in three state universities in Turkey. Since the beginning of the 1990s, higher Education System in Turkey went through a massification ... -
Investigation of the home reading patterns of families with children with hearing impairment: İÇEM case [Ailelerin çocuklariyla okuma örüntülerinin incelenmesi: IÇEM örneği]
(Hacettepe University, 2012)Parents play a critical role in the literacy development of their children. The current case study explores the reading patterns that parents have with their children with hearing impairment. First, the home reading patterns ... -
A study on phonological awareness of pre-service teachers [Öğretmen adaylarinin sesbilgisel farkindaliklarina yönelik bir çalişma]
(Hacettepe University, 2012)The purpose of this study; it is investigated whether teacher candidates’ views regarding the phonological awareness (PA) differ according to their universities, class-grades and gender, whether there is a correlation ... -
Worlds of journalism: Journalistic cultures, professional autonomy, and perceived infl uences across 18 nations
(Taylor and Francis, 2012)[No abstract available] -
Defect detection in porcelain tiles using ultrasound
(2012)The main point of this work is the optimization of ultrasonic methods for the non-destructive testing of sintered porcelain tiles containing defects. Zirconia and steel balls of different diameter and rubber with different ... -
Structure, form and content of universities' radio broadcasting in Turkey universities
(2012)Universities are one of the educational institutions that would generate, improve and spread information and can have a mission on forming the information society. Universities are able to deliver and spread dormation to ... -
Cooperation across cultures: An examination of the concept in 16 countries
(Elsevier Ltd, 2012)Businesses are coordinated organizations, and cooperation among employees reduces overall organizational costs. Understanding how important cooperation is among different cultures is important, as business becomes increasingly ... -
The use of virtual ethnography in distance education research
(2012)3D virtual worlds can and have been used as a meeting place for distance education courses. Virtual worlds allow for group learning of the kind enjoyed by students gathered in a virtual classroom, where they know they are ... -
The effects of animated agents on students' achievement and attitudes
(2012)Animated agents are electronic agents that interact with learners through voice, visuals or text and that carry human-like characteristics such as gestures and facial expressions with the purpose of creating a social ... -
Being an insider researcher while conducting case study research
(2012)It is crucial for social researchers to clarify their researchers' roles, especially for those utilizing qualitative methodology to make their research credible. The purpose of this paper is to examine the advantages and ... -
Validity and reliability of turkish version of Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-2: Results of preliminary study
(2012)The purpose of this preliminary study was to explore the validity and reliability of Turkish Version of the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-2 (TV-GARS-2). Participants included 436 children diagnosed with autism (331 male and ... -
Experimental investigation of the shield termination effect on the field-to-cable coupling level
(2012)The functional and environmental requirements as well as the electromagnetic compatibility requirements are important in determining the types and installation of the cables used in platforms such as aircrafts. Interference ... -
Faculty members' views on academic activities [Ögretim üyelerinin akademik etkinliklere i·li¸kin görüşleri]
(2012)Problem Statement: Providing an integrated viewpoint to academic activities related to instruction, research, community service, and administration and determining academicians' views on these academic activities will ... -
Existence of the optimal trajectories of the controllable system described by an affine integral equation
(2012)In this paper the control system with integral constraint on the controls is studied. It is assumed that the behavior of the system is described by an affine Volterra integral equation which is nonlinear with respect to ... -
Optimization of interval length for neural network based fuzzy time series
(2012)Fuzzy time series models have become important in past decades with neural networks. Hence, this study aims to improve forecasting performance of neural network based fuzzy time series by using an optimization function to ...