Güncel Gönderiler: Öksüz Yayınlar
Toplam kayıt 1207, listelenen: 401-420
Enhancing learning with wearable technologies in and out of educational settings
(IGI Global, 2018)The rapid developments in mobile and wireless technology have led to the emergence of different design approaches that respond to user requirements. Among recent emerging technologies, wearable technology appears to be a ... -
Tolerance capacity of Turkish genotypes of barley (Hordeum vulagare L.) for cadmium stress
(Triveni Enterprises, 2018)Aim: Elevated levels of heavy metals in agricultural soils result in significant contamination of food in Turkey, where cadmium toxicity is currently one of the most serious environmental issues. This study was undertaken ... -
Financial stability vs. sustainable development and its financing
(IGI Global, 2018)Financing of sustainable development is a sophisticated and long-term process determined by a number of economic and non-economic factors. Financial instruments, private and public nature, exist that can be a source of ... -
Moral disengagement and cyber bullying, a mediator role of emphatic tendency
(IGI Global, 2019)The aim of this study is to investigate a mediator role of emphatic tendency in the relationship between moral disengagement and cyber bullying. The participants comprised 338 Turkish adolescents. The age of participants ... -
Effectiveness of video modeling presented via smartboard for teaching social response behavior to children with autism
(Council for Exceptional Children, 2018)This study aims to examine the effectiveness of video modeling presented via smartboard for teaching children with autism about social response in the form of gestures, and verbal and facial expressions indicative of ... -
Contribution of L2 morphological awareness to passage-level L2 reading comprehension
(Asian E F L Journal Press, 2019)The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent intermediate-level adult Turkish EFL learners are aware of lexical and grammatical functions of certain suffixes in English. The study further aimed at exploring ... -
Pre-service information technology teachers’ self-efficacy, self-esteem and attitudes towards teaching: A four-year longitudinal study
(Anadolu University, Faculty of Communication Sciences, 2019)This study investigates the changes in self-efficacy perceptions, professional self-esteem, and attitudes towards the teaching profession of pre-service information technology teachers in accordance with their academic ... -
A comparative study on social media addiction of high school and university students
(Anadolu University, Faculty of Communication Sciences, 2019)Considering that social media addiction is probably the most recent type of technology addiction, the present study was designed based on the six components suggested by Griffiths (2013). Toward the main purpose of the ... -
Values education continuity: From pre school education program to life science curriculum [Değerler eğitimi devamlılığı: Okul öncesi eğitim programından hayat bilgisi öğretim programına]
(Ankara University, 2019)Preventing the degeneration of values that direct our lives and raising healthy individuals increased the importance of values education. The purpose of this study is to compare the 2013 Preschool Education Program and the ... -
Verbal teasing among young people in Køge and Eskişehir
(Cambridge University Press, 2015)Introduction Teasing, being universal and central to human social life, is a frequent and observable behaviour in daily social interactions. Teasing has been studied quite intensively in sociolinguistics over the past ... -
The influence of proficiency and language combination on bilingual lexical access
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)The present study examines the influence of language proficiency and language combination on bilingual lexical access using category fluency in 109 healthy speakers. Participants completed a category fluency task in each ... -
An investigation of drop-out in open and distance education
(Edam, 2019)This study aims to investigate the reasons for learners to drop-out of Open Education System of Anadolu University, Turkey, between 2012-2015. This study uses an exploratory sequential mixed method. The general structure ... -
Identifying the factors affecting the economic growth of oil-producing countries
(Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2015)The objective of this study is to identify the factors that have an impact on the economic growth of oil-producing countries. To meet this objective, annual time series data for 28 countries were included in panel data ... -
Effect of infill walls and plaster for a four storey R/C building
(International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC), 2015)Infill walls are non-structural elements, which are mainly used for architectural purposes. Besides contribution of infill walls is ignored during the structural analysis, the effect of the infill walls are usually taken ... -
Determination of preservice special education teachers’ expectations related to teaching practice course and practice schools [Zihin engelliler öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik uygulaması dersine ve uygulama okullarına İlişkin beklentilerinin belirlenmesi]
(Ankara University, 2019)The purpose of current study is to determine the expectations of preservice special education teachers regarding Teaching Practice course and practice schools where the course is being carried out. The case study design ... -
Understanding an elementary school teachers’ journey of using technology in the classroom from sand table to interactive whiteboard
(International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2015)The aim of this study is to understand an elementary teachers’ experiences about using interactive whiteboard (IWB) in the classroom. Narrative inquiry were adopted to conduct the study. The data were collected through ... -
Preferences and willingness for participating MOOCs in Turkish
(Sakarya University, 2015)The goal of this study is to explore preferences of the experts, students, faculty, and administrators in the field of academic computing regarding the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This descriptive study was conducted ... -
An examination of mobile learning studies using activity theory as a theoretical framework
(Sakarya University, 2015)The objective of this study is to analyze mobile learning studies that use activity theory as a theoretical framework. Activity theory attempts to understand unity of the consciousness and activity, and is a powerful ... -
Examining the citizenship and democracy education textbook and curriculum in terms of global education [Küresel eğitim çerçevesinde vatandaşlık ve demokrasi eğitimi ders kitabı ve öğretim programı]
(Association for Social Studies Educa, 2015)As a result of scientific and technological developments in today’s world, global education has started to take its place in the educational systems throughout the world and become more significant in recent years. Since ... -
Evaluation of sequence card activities performed on hearing-impaired preschool children
(Sakarya University, 2015)This study aims to evaluate use of sequence card in literacy activities of preschool hearing-impaired children. The study designed as a case study. The data collected from preschool grade 2 in Research and Education Center ...