Güncel Gönderiler: Öksüz Yayınlar
Toplam kayıt 1207, listelenen: 381-400
İşitme engelli gençlere uygulanan dengeli okuma-yazma öğretimi modelinin incelenmesi
(2011)Son yıllarda tüm dil ve beceri öğretimi yaklaşımlarının birleşimi olarak kabul edilen dengeli okuma yazma yaklaşımı, dil öğretiminde giderek yaygınlaşmaktadır. Okul genelinde gerçekleştirilmiş olan bu eylem araştırmasının ... -
Tarihi ve Kültürel Değerlerin Dans Yoluyla Topluma Aktarımına İlişkin Görüşlerin Belirlenmesi: Eskişehir'in Tarihi ve Kültürel Değerlerinin Anlatımında "TYMBRİS'İN DANSI"
(2016)Bu araştırmada; bir bölgenin kültürel değerlerinin topluma aktarımında araç olarak kullanılan yazılı ve görsel materyal, belgesel film, seminer, sempozyum, tiyatro oyunu ve festival gibi etkinliklerin dışında sahne ... -
Vocabulary learning motivation scale (VLMS): A validity and reliability study [Sözcük öğrenme motivasyonu ölçeği (SÖMÖ): Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması]
(Ankara University, 2018)The purpose of this study is to develop scale to determine primary school students’ vocabulary learning motivations. Both theoretical and experimental methodology was implemented for the development process of Vocabulary ... -
Assessment of Co2 measurements based on exergetic approach for low carbon standards in buildings
(Springer Verlag, 2018)CO2 emission criteria have different approach for many countries. These approaches are not sufficient to define regarding global effect based on the loads of emission. Although depending on the extent of the IPCC criteria ... -
Heading hold autopilot design for fixed wing aircraft
(American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, 2018)Interest for autopilot design has become a rich subject in light of recent developments. There may be mixed use of the so-called modern and classical control strategies as to the design of an autopilot for any specific ... -
The relationships between self-compassion, social-connectedness, optimism and psychological resilience among low-income university students [Düşük gelirli ailelerden gelen üniversite öğrencileri üzerinde öz-duyarlılık, sosyal bağlılık ve iyimserlik ile psikolojik dayanıklılık arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi]
(Ankara University, 2018)The present study investigated the relatonship of resilience to self-compassion, social-connectedness and optimism in a sample of low-income university students. Participant consisted of 495 university students those of ... -
Predictors of cyberloafing among preservice information technology teachers
(Anadolu University, Faculty of Communication Sciences, 2018)The current mixed-method study investigated the extent of involvement in cyberloafing within classroom settings among preservice information technology teachers. Thirteen state universities were picked randomly from ... -
Investigation of liquefaction behaviour for cohesive soils
(Avestia Publishing, 2018)The most frequently problem in the deformation of soils under dynamic effects is liquefaction. Detailed investigation on the liquefaction is required to take precautions against deformations caused by earthquakes. A good ... -
Perceptions of pre-service english teachers on using information communication technologies
(Academic Conferences Limited, 2018)As the new technologies enter our lives, they affect our thoughts, communication, learning and teaching. Thus, technology has become increasingly crucial for both teachers’ personal and professional lives, and learners are ... -
An assessment of airport governance policies with a stakeholder perspective
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2018)While airports traditionally have been seen as classic examples of public enterprises, the government’s role in airport management has been changing throughout the world. This study explores airport governance models with ... -
The change in the tangible and the intangible heritage of Eskiş Ehir Sugar Factory residential campus
(Docomomo, 2018)[No abstract available] -
Learner performance and satisfaction level in personalized learning environments
(IGI Global, 2018)The overall aim of this chapter is to determine the personalizable online learning environments and learner participation in these environments, learner satisfaction in using them, and the effect of the environment on ... -
Solvent Materials
(Elsevier Inc., 2018)This article reviews the solvent materials which are either used as fuels and fuel additives, to increase fuel quality depending on the used field and to obtain synthetic oxygenated fuel. Although fossil fuels are the ... -
A connectivist learning activity supporting creative thinking: Analogy wall [Yaratıcı düşünmeyi destekleyici bir bağlantıcı öğrenme etkinliği: Analoji duvarı]
(Ankara University, 2018)The aim of this research is to examine the “Analogy Wall” activity which was developed according to Synectics model and connectivist learning principles and carried out via Facebook. The participants of this holistic single ... -
Nanocarriers for vaccine and gene delivery application
(IGI Global, 2018)Nanocarriers with various compositions and biological properties are frequently used systems for in-vitro/in-vivo vaccination and gene transfer. In recent years, developments in nanotechnology have focused on the design ... -
Geography of female suicide: For suicide prevention policy (case of turkey, in 2002-2011 period)
(IGI Global, 2018)Suicide is a complex structure and also affects the families whose members commit suicide, health care professionals and society. Suicide is accepted as a form of death of external causes. It can be predicted and majority ... -
Refugee education policies
(IGI Global, 2018)Continuing conflicts and wars in emergencies are the main sources of refugee flows around the world. Dealing with refugee crisis loads social, political and economic burden to the host countries based on the preferred ... -
Publication trends over 10 years of computational thinking research
(Anadolu University, Faculty of Communication Sciences, 2018)The current study aimed to review studies on computational thinking (CT) indexed in Web of Science (WOS) and ERIC databases. A thorough search in electronic databases revealed 96 studies on computational thinking which ... -
An application on the mission planning of UAV swarm [IHA Sürülerinin Görev Planlamasina Iliskin Bir Uygulama]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)Within the scope of this work, a combat intelligence, surveillance and attack scenario is designed. Solutions to the problem of planning for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), which function in a host of possible enemy elements ... -
A network design problem with location, inventory and routing decisions
(Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2018)We consider the design of a supply chain network for a blood bank system to satisfy the needs of hospitals in a certain region, by integrating strategic, tactical and operational decisions. In the current blood distribution ...