A systematic review study on educational technology and distance education: the case of Turkey
Durak, G., Şahin, M. A., Öztuzcu, Ö., Göktaş, Ö. B. (2022). A systematic review study on educational technology and distance education: the case of Turkey. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 23 (2), 58-75.Abstract
In this study, the purpose was to reveal the content analysis of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations in the field of CEIT between 2018-2020. The field of CEIT could be said to cover the fields of educational technology and distance education. A total of 156 master’s theses and dissertations were examined in order to identify the keywords, academic discipline, research areas, theoretical frameworks, research designs and models, variables and related institutions. According to the research findings, it was seen that quantitative methods were mostly used in the theses and dissertations examined and that mixed methods were used in master’s theses more than in doctoral dissertations. In addition, it was revealed that few of the theses and dissertations had theoretical foundations. K-12 students were mostly preferred as the type of participant, and scales and interviews were most popular as data collection tools. Moreover, the variables of academic performance and effectiveness were mostly used as dependent variables. The present study, which conducted systematic content analysis of master’s and doctoral dissertations in the field of CEIT, is thought to be important in terms of revealing the current situation in the fields of Educational Technology and Distance Education and determining the research trends.