Using blended learning in postgraduate applied statistics programs
Bhowmik, J, Meyer, D, Phillips, B. (2019). Using blended learning in postgraduate applied statistics programs. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 20 (2), 64-77.Abstract
Blended learning refers to a method of teaching and learning in which some form of online learning is used in addition to the traditional on-campus/face-to-face learning experience in an integrated manner. Postgraduate Applied Statistics programs at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia adopted the blended learning paradigm almost a decade ago to accommodate an increasingly diverse student population. This paradigm allows for flexibility in design approaches, and accommodates the range of blended learning capabilities and experience of teachers and learners. The blended learning design adopted in these programs has involved the thoughtful integration of learning and teaching approaches in both on-campus, face-to-face and online/virtual learning environments by utilising the benefits of each of these environments. These programs focus on designing learning interactions across formal teaching spaces, informal learning spaces and online learning and teaching spaces. This flexible approach has been well accepted among both online and on-campus students. This paper describes the medium impact blended learning model adopted in these courses and the feedback received from students during recent study periods. The authors make the case that implementation of a successful blended learning model can enhance students’ learning experience for a mixed cohort of participants.