REVIEW: Digital citizenship: A community-based approach
Barrıos, J. C. (2019). REVIEW: Digital citizenship: A community-based approach. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 20 (1), 267-269.Abstract
The giant set of digital technologies available in many repositories (Web-based/stand-alone software, mobile applications, among others) are becoming a very important resource to support teaching and learning in different educational settings. The massive use of Internet has opened unconceivable doors to have an easier access to information, explore new ways of communication, new ways of working, new jobs’ profiles and new ways to create, share and spread ideas, information and knowledge. These amazing features brought by the Internet also implies a whole new set of threads which, in most cases, are not being considered during schooling in order to create awareness and develop the skills needed to face any kind of harm in Students, Educators and Staff. This is why, through this book, Susan Bearden explain why it is necessary to foster, through a community-based approach, digital citizens.