The Approach of the Civil Engineering Students to the Advance Technology and Web-Based Course (Part II)
Great advances in science and technology have rapidly changed the structure of the society as well as the method of business and education in the last decade. Especially Internet has given more power in this variation. Corporations and people have to be aware of the influence of this variation. Recent changes in the Internet technology have also brought new approaches in the higher education area. Anadolu University has been working on the electronic transformation project (e-transformation) to provide contemporary and technologic education system for the students. In this manner, Civil Engineering Department has been proposing to teach some courses over the internet such as, introduction to civil engineering, site safety for civil engineers, web-based project management and advanced construction management. For the best success of the research, we first evaluated the electronic level of the students via questionnaire. The aim of the questionnaire was to obtain approach of the engineering students on the web-based course technology. The questionnaire was sent to 100 students and 85 of them were returned. Among these students, 36 study in 1st class, 21 study in 2nd class, 28 study in 3rd class. Since only two students study in 4 th class, they were not considered for the accuracy of the survey. At the end of the study, findings were analyzed and interpreted by using SPSS and Minitab statistical software. In this way, students were examined whether they are ready or not for the e-transformation in education.