Browsing Mimarlık Bölümü by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 48
Interaction to improve quality of design
(Computer Professionals Social Responsibility, 2000)Some of the most important moments of our Information Age are the opportunities to meet in cyberspace to share ideas, topics and to develop new relationships and participation faster than the past. The key element of this ... -
An approach to digital technology integration in architectural curriculum and studio
(Computer Professionals Social Responsibility, 2000)As a profession and as a discipline, architecture is at a crossroads in the digital age. Academic institutions have been faced with the question of how to integrate digital technology into their curricula. Changes of ... -
Designing digital environments: Bringing in more "choices"
(Computer Professionals Social Responsibility, 2000)Workshop will focus on comparison of designing methods and approaches in collaborative digital environment with human psychology. Competing theoretical frameworks; discrepancies between actual processes, practices and ... -
Enerji korunumunda düşük enerjili bina tasarımları
(2002)Bu çalışmada, yalıtım içermeyen tuğla duvar kuruluşunun ısıl davranışı İzmir iklim koşullarında araştırılmıştır. Deneyler atmosferik koşullarda yapılmıştır. Deney düzeneği, boyutları 1,1 m* 1,2 m*1,2 m olan ve iç ortam ... -
Integration of plans and basemaps: Towards a Saudi Arabian Planning Information System based on ArcInfo
(2003)Planning plays an important role in orderly services and use of resources. Such planning requires a correct set of spatial data, which should be properly integrated and shared. GIS technology not only helps in the analysis ... -
GIS education in Turkey: GIS education under the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences of Anadolu University and Online Education Proposal for International World Campus
(2004)Wealth of nations depends on the information rather than the natural resources they own. Information is not enough for a successful development; it is also outstandingly necessary to be able to manage this information. The ... -
Utilizing remote sensing data and real time kinematics GPS surveying for AM/FM systems
(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2004)Geographic Information System is an important tool for collecting, storing, searching, analyzing and printing of geographical information. Riyadh Municipality is fully aware of the great importance of the GPS/GIS application. ... -
An experimental study in an architectural design studio: the search for three-dimensional form and aesthetics through clay
(Wiley, 2005)In architectural design education, the main objective is to help students, especially first-year students, improve their design ideas, creativity, perception of three dimensions and ways of expressing them. Thus, as an ... -
Acoustical requirements in architectural design studios
(2005)Architectural design studios are particular spaces of architectural education which implicates an education psychology including the basic principle of knowing-in-action. They are original classrooms where professional and ... -
Benefits of GIS in urban planning: Investigating the squatter settlements in Eskişehir, Turkey
(2005)Traditional methods of information management are hard to use in the planning process of problematic urban areas such as squatter settlements. GIS provides the capability for dynamic query and analysis, display of information ... -
A Computer Aided Model for Supporting Design Education
(World Acad Sci, Eng & Tech-Waset, 2005)Educating effective architect designers is an important goal of architectural education. But what contributes to students' performance, and to critical and creative thinking in architectural design education? Besides ... -
Reality-based design of studio in architectural education
(2007)The architectural design studio is an important process, which aims to shape the architectural sensitivities ofstudents and to develop their communicative abilities as well as their problem-solving skills. Within this ... -
Improving heritage documentation: Photogrammetry and GIS in Turkey
(2007)Turkey has a rich archaeological and cultural heritage. However, a lack of experts in terrestrial survey, combined with technical deficiencies, result in inadequate documentation of heritage sites. Poorly operated terrestrial ... -
Reality-based design studio in architectural education
(Locke Science Publ Co Inc, 2007)The architectural design studio is an important process, which aims to shape the architectural sensitivities of students and to develop their communicative abilities as well as their problem-solving skills. Within this ... -
(2008)Digital libraries play a crucial role in distance learning. Nowadays, they are one of the fundamental information sources for the students enrolled in this learning system. These libraries contain huge amount of instructional ... -
Kentsel mekânda kalite kavramı
(2009)Özellikle son on yılda dünyadaki teknolojik, bilimsel gelişme- ler paralelinde kentleşme kavramının yeniden sorgulaması ile beraber; kentlerdeki yaşanabilirlik, insanların yaşam kalitesi ve kentsel mekân kalitesinin ... -
Bir sosyal hizmet projesi: Zihinsel engelli çocuklar rekreasyon parkı
(2010)Zihinsel engelli çocukların eğitimine önemli katkılar sıman kentlerin başında yer alan Eskişehir, asker, üniversite, yerel yönetim ve yerel firmaların iş birlikteliği ile önemli bir sosyal sommlııhık projesini gerçekleştirmiştir. ...