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Uçak Yapılarında Perçinlenmiş Bindirme Mafsalları Etrafındaki Çatlak İlerlemesi ve Çoklu Çatlak Etkileşimlerinin Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi ile Tahmini
(2012)Bu çalışmada perçinlenmiş bindirme mafsalları etrafındaki yorulma çatlak ilerlemesi hızı, sonlu elemanlar yöntemi kullanılarak tahmin edilmiştir. Bir McDonnell Douglas C-15 uçağında kanat yüzeyinde bulunan 2024-T3 Alüminyum ... -
An Analysis of Vertical Profiles of Wind and Humidity Based on Long-Term Radiosonde Data in Turkey
(2016)The prediction of atmospheric variables is fundamentally important for flight, and efficiency with environmental impact analyses of aircraft. However, certain variables are less predictable leading to inefficient utilization ... -
Sivil Pilot Adayları İçin Seçim Kriterlerinin Belirlenmesi
(2016)Havacılık sektörü için pilotlar veya hava trafik kontrolörleri gibi operatörlerin seçimi önemlidir. Pilot eğitiminin maliyetinin yüksek olmasından dolayı, okulu bırakma ve başarısızlıklar organizasyon için büyük bir kayıptır. ... -
An Analysis of the Effect of Non-Payload Weight on Fuel Consumption For a Wide-Bodied Aircraft
(2017)Fuel flow rate of an aircraft varies significantly during a typical flight, mainly due to required engine thrust, speed, weather conditions, aircraft configuration and aircraft mass. Of these, the effect of aircraft mass, ... -
Energy and Entropy Analyses of an Experimental Turbojet Engine For Target Drone Application
(2016)This study investigates energy and entropy analyses of an experimental turbojet engine build in Anadolu University Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics Test-Cell Laboratory. Law of motions and Brayton thermodynamic cycle ... -
Empirical model assessment of commercial aircraft emissions according to flight phases
(2013)The quantities of common emissions are investigated for a specific type of commercial aircraft. Actual flight data and International Civil Aviation Organization emission data are used. All flight phases are considered, ... -
Fuel flow-rate modelling of transport aircraft for the climb flight using genetic algorithms
(Royal Aeronautical Soc, 2015)In this study, development of a new fuel flow rate model for the climbing phase of flight was achieved using a genetic algorithm (GA) method. Two modelling approaches were performed using real flight data records (FDRs) ... -
Prioritisation of factors contributing to human error for airworthiness management strategy with ANP
(Emerald Group Publishing LTD, 2019)Purpose Airline business management is set on airworthy strategy. Airline sustainability depends upon corporate-based airworthy strategy as airworthiness is the base to any airline business management and strategy. An ... -
Development taxonomy of human risk factors for corporate sustainability in aviation sector
(Emerald Group Publishing LTD, 2018)Purpose Contemporary management and strategy mean optimization of ingredient factors such as human factors, systems, operations and equipment. With system approach in management and strategy, human risk factor as input has ... -
Modeling and validation of temperature changes in a pouch lithium-ion battery at various discharge rates
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2016)This paper deals with the thermal modeling of temperature rise in a pouch lithium -ion battery with LiFePO4 (also known as LFP) cathode material. The developed model represents the main thermal phenomena in the cell in ... -
Effect of Climb Angle on Aircraft Fuel Consumption and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions
(Amer Inst Aeronautics Astronautics, 2018)Departure climb angles differ with respect to factors such as obstacles within the departure track, meteorological conditions, and cost index input, most of which have a dynamic nature to some extent. In this sense, it is ... -
Effects of Ambient Air Temperature on Gaseous Emissions of Turbofan Engines
(Amer Inst Aeronautics Astronautics, 2016)This study presents the results of analyses related to the effects of ambient air temperature (ranging from 5.2 to 23.9 degrees C) on certain engine performance parameters and gaseous emissions, carbon monoxide and nitrogen ... -
NOx, fuel consumption and time effects of flight path angle during descent
(SAGE Publications LTD, 2013)Due to factors affecting flight operation and air traffic management, such as air traffic separation, avoidance of traffic from congested areas, or facilitating separation with crossing traffic, as well as environmental ... -
Relationship between fuel consumption and altitude for commercial aircraft during descent: Preliminary assessment with a genetic algorithm
(Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2012)Despite fuel flow rates being low during descent compared to climb and cruise, the potential exists for significant fuel savings during that phase of flight. Increased fuel use, costs and related environmental impacts are ... -
Energy and emission assessments of continuous descent approach
(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2010)Purpose - Continuous descent approach (CDA) is a method, which allows the aircraft flying its individual optimal vertical profile down to runway threshold with engines operating at low-thrust power. The main objective of ... -
An assessment of cruise NOx emissions of short-haul commercial flights
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2017)Cruise NOx emissions of aircraft are an important input parameter for studies investigating climate change due to their ability to alter the concentrations of certain trace gases, such as ozone, methane, and hydroxyl in ... -
Analysis of Test-Cell Emission Measurements of Newly Overhauled Turbofan Engines
(Amer Inst Aeronautics Astronautics, 2015)In this study, the gaseous emissions of newly overhauled CFM56-3B1 and -3B2 series turbofan engines are measured in a test-cell environment during typical functional and performance test procedures. The measured emissions ... -
The effect of flight distance on fuel mileage and CO2 per passenger kilometer
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2019)In this study, the effect of distance on fuel mileage (fuel burn per nautical mile) and CO2 intensity, based on a large amount of actual flight data, is discussed for narrow-body commercial aircraft performing domestic ... -
Investigating actual landing and takeoff operations for time-in-mode, fuel and emissions parameters on domestic routes in Turkey
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2017)Operational landing and takeoff standards developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the 1970s, have been widely-used in fuel consumption and emissions models or inventory studies. However, these ... -
Fuel flow analysis for the cruise phase of commercial aircraft on domestic routes
(Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2014)From the point of view of the environmental impact of aviation, rather than fundamental strategies mainly intended for lower fuel consumption, and thereby less carbon dioxide emissions, more comprehensive approaches have ...