Sovyet zulmüne uğrayan Özbek şairi Usman Nasir
Usman Nasir, modern Özbek şiirinin kurucularından olup, pek çok çağdaşı gibi Sovyet hışmına uğrayan bir şairdir. Özbekistan'ın Namangan şehrinde başlayıp Uzak Doğu'nun Kamerova bölgesinde sona eren kısa hayatında şair, topu topu yedi sekiz yılda eserlerini yazmış; ancak Özbek şiirinde silinmez izler bırakmıştır. Usman Nasir, being one of the founders of modern Uzbek poetry, was a poet who was the object of Soviet fury as were most of his contemporaries. In spite of his short life, which began in the city of Namangan in Uzbekistan and ended in the region of Kamerova in distant Asia, the poet wrote all his work in a total of seven or eight years, leaving permanent effects on Uzbek poetry.
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