Non-government organizations and the internet: An example of the Province of Eskisehir, Turkey, from a public relations perspective
In recent years, the term "civil society" in Turkey has been widely discussed from both an academic and social point of view. The most important reason for this is the removal, in 1980, of many limitations. Removing these restrictions on freedom allowed for Turkey's acceptance into the Copenhagen criteria. Besides this, the Internet has been accepted as one of the most important developments of the new century. It is remarkable that there has been such a vast increase in both usage and users in Turkey. In this study, therefore, the terms Internet and civil society are interchangeable. Non-governmental organizations, operating in Eskisehir or having at least a branch in Eskişehir, were instrumental in studying websites, and analyzing their content in the context of society. The list of non-government organizations in Eskisehir was sought out by making use of "Sivil Toplumu Geliştirme Merkezi" (Center for the Developing Civil Society). The results show that despite the rapid development in Internet resources, these resources are not being used enough professionally