Webfolio application in primary schools: Teacher and student perspectives [İlkögretimde webfolyo uygulamasi{dotless}: Ögretmen ve ögrenci görüşleri]
The purpose of this study is to determine functionality of webfolio system in primary schools. This study was conducted on 4th grade Science and technology, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Turkish courses. The participants of this study are 4th grade students and their teacher in a primary school in Eskisehir during the 2008-2009 academic year. A qualitative research design, naturalistic inquiry approach, has been adopted in this study. The data have been gathered through semi-structured interviews conducted with the teacher and the students. The data were analyzed through content analysis technique. It was found that both the teacher and the students found the webfolio system beneficial. The teacher and most of the students believe that webfolio system is more effective than traditional portfolio system.
Elementary Education OnlineVolume
- Makale Koleksiyonu [791]
- Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu [8325]