Güncel Gönderiler: Bildiri Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 355, listelenen: 41-60
RSS based localization of an emitter using a single mini UAV [Mini İHA Kullanarak Bir Yayicinin RSS Tabanli Konumlandirilmasi]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)In this study, it is aimed to find the position of a signal emitter by the means of a mini unmanned aerial vehicle (mUAV) with a sensor node that can record the received signal strength (RSS) and the global positioning ... -
A spectral graph based image coding method [Spektral Çizge Tabanli Bir Görüntü Kodlama Yöntemi]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)In this paper, a spectral graph based image coding method is proposed. In the proposed method, only the smoothing parameter in the graph adjacency matrix, graph Fourier transform (GFT) coefficients kept after hard thresholding ... -
The localization of LPI signals using sparse TDOA estimates [Seyrek TDOA Kestirimleri Kullanilarak Tespit Olasiligi Düsük Sinyallerin Konum Kestirimi]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)In this paper, the localization problem of the low probability of intercept (LPI) signals using time difference of arrival (TDOA) estimates between the sensors is considered. A fast and sparse method is proposed for the ... -
Tracking sustained oscillations in delay model oregonators
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)Sustained oscillations occur in many biological organisms and some chemical reactions. Belousov-Zhabotinskii (BZ) reaction is one these chemical oscillators, however, since its oscillatory behaviour is analogous to ones ... -
Discrimination of faulty compressors and healthy one using Kohonen maps [Kohonen hari·ta kullanarak hatali ve saglikli kompresörleri·n ayriştirilmasi]
(2011)Kohonen's Self Organizing Map (SOM) is a very usable method for the classification problems. In this work SOM is used to classify the possible faults of Hermetic Compressors which are used in the refrigerators. In refrigerators ... -
Multi-objective control of full-vehicle suspensions: A case study
(IFAC Secretariat, 2011)This paper presents two procedures for multi-objective control of a full-vehicle suspension excited by random road disturbances. The control problem is first formulated as a mixed H2/H? synthesis problem and an output ... -
Petri net modelling of smart home appliances
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)In this work, some smart appliances (i.e., smart refrigerator and smart washing machine) and the corresponding smart home model are introduced to show the importance of smartness to improve user comfort and energy efficiency ... -
Robust tracking and disturbance rejection for decentralized neutral time-delay systems
(IFAC Secretariat, 2011)The decentralized robust servomechanism problem, which is to design decentralized stabilizing controllers such that each decentralized output robustly tracks a given reference signal in the presence of certain disturbances, ... -
Decentralized robust control of infinite-dimensional systems
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)Decentralized robust control of infinite-dimensional systems is considered. A decentralized robust controller design approach for such systems is proposed. In this approach, overlapping decompositions is first used to ... -
PLD: Power line detection system for aircrafts
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)Power Line Detection (PLD) is still an important issue for aircraft safety. In this study, two simple PLD algorithms are developed that utilize two alternative line detection algorithms (EDLines and LSD) and feed their ... -
(2011)Bu makalede güç sistemlerinde kısa dönem kırpışma(flicker) şiddeti Pst’yi hesaplamak için Hilbert Huang dönüşümünün (HHT) kullanımına dayalı bir yaklaşım önerilmektedir. HHT lineer ve durağan olmayan sinyallerin analizinde ... -
Tracking of Platforms above Sea-level in Visual Band Videos using Covariance based Tracker and Feature Selection
(2011)In this study, a feature based tracker is developed in order to track platforms above sea-level in visual band videos. The covariance descriptor, known as an efficient method in object detection and classification problems, ... -
Çevresel Aykırılığa Dayalı Bir Hedef Tespit Algoritması
(2011)Automatic target detection algorithms enable in military and civilian applications the detection of low-contrast and spatially small targets that can not be detected by a human operator and remove the requirement of permanent ... -
(2011)Gerçek zamanlı yüz tanıma uygulamaları için öznitelik vektörü boyutu çok önemlidir. Yüksek boyutlu öznitelik vektörleri yüz tanıma sisteminin hesaplama karmaşıklığını ve yürütüm süresini arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, ... -
Effect of multiple flow on performance of real-time data grids
(2011)Multicommodity flow problem deals with delivering multiple data items residing on different source machines on a networking system to their destinations in an efficient manner, while respecting the bandwidth and cost ... -
A new approach to estimate red parameters using global congestion notification
(2011)In communication networks, congestion avoidance in routers is one of the hottest topics. In this work, a new queue management approach is proposed on the RED (Random Early Detection) algorithm by monitoring the global ... -
(2011)Hilbert Huang Dönüşümü (HHT) Huang tarafından önerilen, Flandrin ve ekibi tarafından geliştirilen lineer ve durağan olmayan sinyallerin analizinde kullanılan yeni bir sinyal işleme yöntemidir. Bu çalışmada, güç ... -
Active suspension design based on linear-matrix inequalities and fixed-order controllers
(2011)In this paper, influence of tire damping on multi-objective control of quarter-car suspensions excited by random road disturbances is studied. The active suspension design problem is first formulated as a mixed H 2/? ... -
Robust tracking and disturbance rejection for systems with distributed time-delay
(2011)The robust servomechanism problem, which is to design a stabilizing controller such that the system output robustly tracks a given reference signal in the presence of certain disturbances, is considered for linear ... -
Compact hardware architecture for Hummingbird cryptographic algorithm
(2011)Hummingbird is an ultra-lightweight cryptographic algorithm aiming at resource-constrained devices. In this paper, we present an enhanced hardware implementation of the Hummingbird cryptographic algorithm that is based on ...