Güncel Gönderiler: Bildiri Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 355, listelenen: 21-40
Role of fractional powers in maneuvering the fractional lower-order auto-covariance of skewed alpha-stable Signals in Gaussian noise environment
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019)Since, alpha-stable noise signals similarity can only be gauged by Fractional Lower-Order Auto-Covariance (FLOAC), therefore, the role of impulsiveness and skewness parameters, in generation and detection of the skewed ... -
Biorthogonal wavelet vanishing moment increment technique [Çiftdikgen Dalgaciklar Için Yokolan Momenti Arttirma Tekni?i]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)Among several lifting style biorthogonal wavelets, Daubechies and Sweldens wavelets provide the maximum number of vanishing moments for the shortest filter length. In this research we propose a method to increase the number ... -
A sparse approach for the presence detection of long-code DS-SS signals [Uzun-kod DS-SS Sinyallerin Tespiti için Seyrek Bir Yaklaşim]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)In this paper, the presence detection of long-code direct sequence spread spectrum signals (DS-SS) in low signal to noise ratio (SNR) using the sensor array are considered. A sparse method, which is fast and computationally ... -
GPS-based antenna tracking and signal beamforming system for small UAV platform [Küçük IRA Platformu Için GPS-tabanll Anten Izleme ve Sinyal Hüzme Sistemi]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)In this study GPS-based antenna tracking and signal beamforming system is considered to improve the data transmission quality, capacity and distance (range) of a small drone with ground station. The design phases and the ... -
Segmentaton performance comparison over HDR images [YDA Görüntülerde Bölütleme Algoritmalarinin Performans Karşilaştirmasi]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)Achievement of sharp, crisp and contrasty photos plays an important role in automatic image segmentation. A fair contrast can be achieved by successful exposure settings in the camera, which can be difficult to achieve ... -
Coin recognition based on geometric features [Geometrik Öznitelik Tabanli Madeni Para Tanima]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)In this study, it is aimed to count the total amount in an image of coins using machine vision methods. The extrinsic parameters of the camera whose intrinsic parameters are already known are estimated relative to the plane ... -
An efficient low area implementation of 2-D DCT on FPGA
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)This paper presents the design and implementation for 2-D discrete cosine transform (DCT) with the goal of achieving low area utilization and high-speed operation on FPGAs. The design is based on the row-column decomposition ... -
Decentralized controller design by continuous pole placement for incommensurate-time-delay systems
(2015)Decentralized controller design problem for linear time-invariant retarded incom-mensurate-time-delay systems is considered. A design approach based on the decentralized, pole assignment, algorithm, and the continuous pole ... -
Decentralized controller design for time-delay systems by optimization
(2015)Decentralized controller design problem for linear time-invariant retarded time-delay systems is considered. Algorithms, based on nonsmooth optimization and decentralized pole assignment, are developed to design decentralized ... -
Robust controller design for neutral time-delay systems
(2015)A robustness measure that accounts for the uncertainties in a neutral time-delay system is defined. Using this measure, a robust controller design approach, which is based on a nominal model, is proposed. The proposed ... -
Road profile modeling by subspace identification methods
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)In this paper, spectral models of road profiles using nonparametric and subspace identification methods are developed from road elevation measurements. First, power spectra of road profiles are estimated on uniform grids ... -
Positive realness in stochastic subspace identification: A regularized and reweighted nuclear norm minimization approach
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)In this paper, we propose a method to transform a non-positive real transfer function matrix into a positive real one. This problem is of engineering interest and arises when a linear time-invarant dynamics is identified ... -
HEp-2 cell classification using a deep neural network trained for natural image classification [Dogal Imge Siniflandirmak için Egitilmis bir Derin Sinir Agi ile HEp-2 Hücresi Siniflandirilmasi]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)Deep convolutional neural networks is a recently developed method that yields very successful results in image classification. Deep neural networks, which have a high number of parameters, require a large amount of data ... -
Sequential forward feature selection for facial expression recognition [Yüz Ifadesi Tanima Için Ardisik Ileri Öznitelik Seçimi]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)Facial expression recognition is an important computer vision problem with various applications. In this study, we investigate the effectiveness of features derived from facial landmarks in facial expression recognition. ... -
A motion adaptive wavelet-denoising for frame-rate up-conversion [ÇerçEve Hizi Artirimi için Hareket Duyarli Dalgacik Düzeltme]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)This study introduces a method that employs a wavelet zerotree-based shrinkage algorithm motion-adaptively-combined with optical flow estimation for video frame rate up-conversion. In the method, an optical flow estimation ... -
A comparison of classification methods for local binary patterns [Yerel Ikili Örüntüler Için Siniflandirma Yöntemlerinin Karşilaştirilmasi]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)Texture recognition is an important tool used for content-based image retrieval, face recognition, and satellite image classification applications. One of the most successful features for texture recognition is local binary ... -
A survey on the fundamentals of RSS based localization [RSS Tabanli Konumlandirmanin Temelleri üzerine Bir Inceleme]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)In this research, for RSS based localization, geometry based new heuristic solutions are proposed and compared to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) in terms of performance. It is shown that new heuristic methods which ... -
Hardware Trojans in incompletely specified on-chip bus systems
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)The security, functionality, and performance of the on-chip bus system is critical in an SoC design. We highlight the susceptibility of current bus implementations to Hardware Trojans hiding in unspecified functionality. ... -
A spectral graph wiener filter in graph fourier domain for improved image denoising
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)A Wiener filtering scheme in graph Fourier domain is proposed for improving image denoising performance achieved by various spectral graph based denoising methods. The proposed Wiener filter is estimated by using graph ... -
A home power management system using mixed integer linear programming for scheduling appliances and power resources
(IEEE Computer Society, 2017)In this work, a home power management system is proposed to minimize electricity cost and reduce high peak demand while maintaining user comfort. The system is composed of smart electrical appliances, which are divided ...