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Toplam kayıt 10, listelenen: 1-10
Concrete to Abstract: Visualizing Paradigms in Qualitative Research Through Visual Arts
(University Alberta, Int Inst Qualitative Methodology, 2010)… -
Creativity in early childhood education program
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)Creativity is a critical concept for the successful implementation of educational programs. It is expected that teachers put forth both children's and their own creativity in all activities. In this respect, a teacher guide ... -
Current events in 4(th) and 5(th) grade primary education social studies program
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)The aim of this study is to evaluate Social Studies program in terms of current events. This study is a qualitative study in which survey model and document analysis technique were employed. A control list consisting ... -
Development of Intercultural Skills and Competence in Teacher Education Through Erasmus Program: Perspectives of Turkish Preservice Teachers
(University Alberta, Int Inst Qualitative Methodology, 2010)… -
Examining social studies performance assignments of 5(th) grade primary school students
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)Performance assignments require students to show their development of high-level skills associated with their daily lives. The purpose of this study is to examine the Social Studies performance assignments of 5(th) grade ... -
Implementation of a Digital Game-Based Turkish Language Education
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2016)… -
Preschool Teacher Education Program to Bring Pre-Service Preschool Teachers in Professional Ethics Values
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2011)As an application area of ethics, professional ethics can be define as the accepted rules, approaches, attitudes and behavior that one must consider and individualize while professing a job and share with others in same ... -
Program reform in primary schools in turkey: what do primary school teachers think?
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)The aim of this study is to find out the thoughts of primary school teachers about the program reform made in primary school teaching in 2004-2005 academic-years. 125 teachers appointed at schools in Eskisehir city center ... -
Science teaching in primary education in turkey based on constructivism and the problems which are encountered in practice
(Int Inst Informatics & Systemics, 2007)Constructivism has been increasingly spreading in the educational systems of the developing countries. Because, there is strong evidence suggesting that constructivist applications are one of the ways to make students ... -
The use of storytelling to develop the primary school students' critical reading skill: the primary education pre-service teachers' opinions
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)The aim of this study is to determine the primary education pre-service teachers' opinions about the use of storytelling to develop the primary school students' critical reading skills. The study was designed with qualitative ...