Güncel Gönderiler: Temel Eğitim Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 170, listelenen: 161-170
Analyzing Social and Environmental Issues Elementary School Students Reflect in their Cartoons
(Turkish Education Assoc, 2010)The purpose of this study is to identify the feelings and thoughts of primary school students regarding the problems they experience in their environment and to determine their suggestions for solving these problems with ... -
Class Teacher Candidates' Skill of Saying No in Relation to Components of Moral Anatomy
(Anı Yayıncılık, 2016)Problem Statement: The ability to say no when faced with demands with possible moral consequences becomes a problem that must be addressed in terms of morality in all of its dimensions, including in terms of the concept ... -
The Reflection of Teacher Support Program on Practice in Preschool Education
(Hacettepe University, 2017)The aim of the study is to convey updated 2013 Preschool Education Program to preschool teachers by means of "Teacher Support Program" developed by the researchers and to examine how this support program process reflect ... -
Ways of Using Internet by Classroom Teachers in Social Studies Course
(Nesibe Aydin Education Inst, 2016)The aim of the study is to uncover how classroom teachers use Internet in social studies courses. In the study which was carried out to reveal how classroom teachers use internet in social studies courses a survey model ... -
The Research Experience of Social Studies Pre-service Teachers: A Qualitative Study
(EDAM, 2008)Improving teachers' reflective thinking skills about their instructional applications in their classrooms and their suggestions to solve the problems they face during teaching have become more important since the 80s. ... -
Examining social studies performance assignments of 5(th) grade primary school students
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)Performance assignments require students to show their development of high-level skills associated with their daily lives. The purpose of this study is to examine the Social Studies performance assignments of 5(th) grade ... -
Current events in 4(th) and 5(th) grade primary education social studies program
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)The aim of this study is to evaluate Social Studies program in terms of current events. This study is a qualitative study in which survey model and document analysis technique were employed. A control list consisting ... -
A Scale Development for 21st Century Skills of Primary School Students: A Validity and Reliability Study
(Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Fac Education, 2016)The objective of the present study is to develop a measurement tool to assess 21st Century learning and innovation skills of primary school students. Study data was collected from 632 fourth grade students in five different ... -
Meta-cognitive Strategy Usage and Epistemological Beliefs of Primary School Teacher Trainees
(EDAM, 2011)This study was designed as a descriptive survey study in order to determine primary education teacher trainees' epistemological beliefs; the use of metacognitive strategies; and the relationship between epistemological ... -
The use of storytelling to develop the primary school students' critical reading skill: the primary education pre-service teachers' opinions
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)The aim of this study is to determine the primary education pre-service teachers' opinions about the use of storytelling to develop the primary school students' critical reading skills. The study was designed with qualitative ...