Güncel Gönderiler: Temel Eğitim Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 170, listelenen: 141-160
The attitudes of preschool teacher candidates studying through distance education approach towards teaching profession and their perception levels of teaching competency
(2006)The purpose of this study is to determine the attitudes of preschool teacher candidates studying through distance education approach towards teaching profession and to determine their perception levels of teaching competency. ... -
The effect of arrow diagrams on achievement in applying the chain rule
(2007)In this study the effectiveness of an arrow diagram which can help students apply the Chain Rule was investigated. Different variations of this diagram were used as mnemonic devices for applying the Chain Rule. For the ... -
Reliability and validity studies of the science and technology course scientific attitude scale
(2009)Science is a basic course that improves the individuals in terms of cognitive aspects and increases their creativity. In this course, students acquire the habits of thinking objectively and making right decisions about the ... -
The strategies of using the generalizing patterns of the primary school 5th grade students
(2009)The main purpose of this study is to determine the strategies of using the generalizing patterns of the primary fifth grade students. The practice of this research is conducted on twelve students, which have high, middle ... -
Educational programs and student opinions about the future
(2007)This study aims to determine students' opinions about the extent to which activities concerning the future are included in primary and secondary education programs, the factors that affect the way they think about the ... -
İlkögretim Öğrencilerinin Çizdikleri Karikatürlere Yansıttkları Sosyal ve Çevresel Sorunlarin Incelenmesi
(2010)Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilköğretim öğrencilerinin çevrelerinde yaşadıkları sorunlara ilişkin duygu, düşünce ve gözlemleri ile bu sorunlara yönelik çözüm önerilerini kendi çizdikleri karikatürler aracılığıyla incelemektir. ... -
Social Studies Teachers' Views on Learning Outside the Classroom
(EDAM, 2013)Learning outside the classroom help students interpret their society, nature, and the world through concrete experiences. Although learning outside the classroom is usually used for environmental education, it is very ... -
The properties of the weak subdifferentials
(2010)This paper deals with the weak subdifferentials. The properties of the weak subdifferentials are examined. It is showed that the weak subdifferential of a function having a global minimum is not empty. -
Character Education of Adolescents: A Case Study of a Research Center
(Turkish Education Assoc, 2015)This study describes the theoretical and practical studies at an adolescent research Center in the School of Education at an American university. Additionally, researchers' views are explored regarding the educational ... -
The Role of Visual Culture Studies on Primary School Students' Interpretation of Visual World
(EDAM, 2011)Visual culture studies have become the focus of research in recent years mainly due to the frequent use of art applications in Visual Arts courses in primary schools and the inadequate content of discipline based art ... -
Creativity in early childhood education program
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)Creativity is a critical concept for the successful implementation of educational programs. It is expected that teachers put forth both children's and their own creativity in all activities. In this respect, a teacher guide ... -
Science teaching in primary education in turkey based on constructivism and the problems which are encountered in practice
(Int Inst Informatics & Systemics, 2007)Constructivism has been increasingly spreading in the educational systems of the developing countries. Because, there is strong evidence suggesting that constructivist applications are one of the ways to make students ... -
Learning Geometric Translations in a Dynamic Geometry Environment
(Turkish Education Assoc, 2013)Dynamic learning environments provide a variety of opportunities for learners to explore mathematical concepts. The purpose of this study was to explore the nature of the growth of 4 prospective middle school mathematics ... -
The opinions of parents on the implications of the primary school (1-5 grades) curriculum
(EDAM, 2007)A complete success in implementing a curriculum mainly depends on teaching activities at schools and the parents' support of the curriculum at home. Therefore, it can be claimed that the views of parents on the implementation ... -
Dithiocarbamated Symphoricarpus albus as a potential biosorbent for a reactive dye
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2012)In this study, the ability of Symphoricarpus albus, a natural biosorbent, to biosorb a reactive dye (RR45) after the modification with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate was examined. Batch experiments were carried out as ... -
Pre-Service Social Studies Teachers' Perception of Global Citizenship
(Nesibe Aydin Education Inst, 2016)Due to contuniuing developments in science, technology, and communication, definition of citizenship and what is expected from a citizen as well as political, social and economical changes around the world. In order for ... -
Calcium Mobilization and Inhibition of Akt Reduced the Binding of PEO-1 Cells to Fibronectin
(Turkish Pharmacists Assoc, 2018)Objectives: To investigate the effects of intracellular calcium (Ca2+) mobilization, beta-catenin and Akt signal pathways after the binding of metastatic ovarian cells to fibronectin. Materials and Methods: The expression ... -
Process parameters determination of phosphorescent pigment added, frit-based wall tiles vetrosa decorations
(Elsevier Sci LTD, 2012)In this study bluish-green (BG) and yellowish-green (YG) phosphorescent pigments were synthesized and produced under laboratory conditions and the best ones in terms of higher phosphorescence intensity and longer duration ... -
Social Studies in Improving Students' Map Skills: Teachers' Opinions
(EDAM, 2015)Teaching skills is one of the building blocks of Turkey's Social Studies Instructional Program. Via skills, information can be effectively transformed into high-level behaviors, that information may become a part of one's ... -
Program reform in primary schools in turkey: what do primary school teachers think?
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)The aim of this study is to find out the thoughts of primary school teachers about the program reform made in primary school teaching in 2004-2005 academic-years. 125 teachers appointed at schools in Eskisehir city center ...