Güncel Gönderiler: Matematik Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 291, listelenen: 181-200
Generalized weak subdifferentials
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 2011)In this article, generalized weak subgradient (gw-subgradient) and generalized weak subdifferential (gw-subdifferential) are defined for nonconvex functions with values in an ordered vector space. Convexity and closedness ... -
On some geometric conditions for minimality of DCH-functions via DC-duality approach
(Springer, 2017)In this study, some optimality conditions for DCH-functions are given in terms of -faces using DC-duality approach. We introduce some geometric characterizations for the solution set of DCH-minimization problems by means ... -
Some relationships among gw-subdifferential, directional derivative and radial epiderivative for nonconvex vector functions
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 2015)In this work, we give some characterizations of gw-subdifferentiability of a vector-valued function by using its directional derivative and radial epiderivative. Moreover, under some assumptions, we proved that the directional ... -
Weak Fenchel and weak Fenchel-Lagrange conjugate duality for nonconvex scalar optimization problems
(Springer, 2012)In this work, by using weak conjugate maps given in (Azimov and Gasimov, in Int J Appl Math 1:171-192, 1999), weak Fenchel conjugate dual problem, , and weak Fenchel Lagrange conjugate dual problem are constructed. Necessary ... -
On generalized weak subdifferentials and some properties
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 2012)In this article, some characterizations for gw-subdifferentiability of functions from R-n to R-m are stated. Some criteria for gw-subdifferentiability of generalized lower locally Lipschitz functions and positively homogeneous ... -
On constructing total orders and solving vector optimization problems with total orders
(Springer, 2011)In this paper, we introduce a construction method of total ordering cone on R(n). It is shown that any total ordering cone on Rn is isomorphic to the cone R(lex)(n). Existence of a total ordering cone that contain given ... -
Weak subdifferential/superdifferential, weak exhausters and optimality conditions
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 2015)In this work, the notion of weak superdifferential is presented. Some calculation rules are given to evaluate weak subdifferential and weak superdifferential of some classes of functions represented by support functions. ... -
Numerical solution of the Rosenau-KdV-RLW equation by using RBFs collocation method
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte LTD, 2016)In this study, a meshfree method based on the collocation with radial basis functions (RBFs) is proposed to solve numerically an initial-boundary value problem of Rosenau-KdV-regularized long-wave (RLW) equation. Numerical ... -
On minimal representations by a family of sublinear functions
(Springer, 2015)This paper is a continuation of Grzybowski et al. (J Glob Optim 46:589-601, 2010) and is motivated by the study of exhausters i.e. families of closed convex sets. By Minkowski duality closed convex sets correspond to ... -
Some relationships among quasidifferential, weak subdifferential and exhausters
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 2016)In this study, some relationships between quasidifferentiability and weakly subdifferentiability of a function are investigated, and some results on calculating the quasidifferential in terms of weak exhausters are presented. ... -
Reduction of Weak Exhausters and Optimality Conditions via Reduced Weak Exhausters
(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2015)In this work, it is proved that weak exhausters of a positively homogeneous function can be reduced if weak subdifferential/superdifferential can be represented as the sum of a subset of it and weak subdifferential of zero ... -
Minkowski-Radstrom-Hormander Cone
(Yokohama Publishers, 2014)In this paper we introduce and investigate the notion of the generalized Minkowski-Radstrom Hormander cone giving a special attention to the order law of cancellation. In particular we embed the convex cone e(X) of nonempty ... -
Tight span of subsets of the plane with the maximum metric
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2016)We prove that a nonempty closed and geodesically convex subset of the l(infinity) plane R-infinity(2) is hyperconvex and we characterize the tight spans of arbitrary subsets of R-infinity(2) via this property: Given any ... -
Maximal linear subspaces of strong self-dual 2-forms and the Bonan 4-form
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2011)The notion of self-duality of 2-forms in 4-dimensions plays an eminent role in many areas of mathematics and physics, but although the 2-forms have a genuine meaning related to curvature and gauge-field-strength in higher ... -
A Novel Generalized Kudryashov Method for Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Evolution Equations
(Amer Inst Physics, 2017)Nonlinear evolution equation (NLEE) systems model the most essential topics in nonlinear sciences. Exact solutions of these equations play a major role in the suitable understanding of mechanisms of the various physical ... -
Strong 2-Calibrations on R-2N
(Kinokuniya Co LTD, 2011)Most of the classical calibrations possess a property which does not seem to be recognized. Making this property explicit, we define what we call the strong calibrations and prove that a strong 2-calibration field on R-2n ... -
Degenerate Spin Groups as Semi-Direct Products
(Birkhauser Verlag Ag, 2010)Let Q be a symmetric bilinear form on R(n)=R(p+q+r) with corank r, rank p+q and signature type (p, q), p resp. q denoting positive resp. negative dimensions. We consider the degenerate spin group Spin(Q) = Spin(p, q, r) ... -
On Products of Uniquely Geodesic Spaces
(Mathematical Assoc Amer, 2015)After introducing the geodesic spaces, we prove that the product of two complete, uniquely geodesic spaces with respect to the product metric d(p) is again a uniquely geodesic space for 1 < p < infinity. -
Inner Tube Formulas for Polytopes
(Amer Mathematical Soc, 2012)We show that the volume of the inner r-neighborhood of a polytope in the d-dimensional Euclidean space is a pluriphase Steiner-like function, i.e. a continuous piecewise polynomial function of degree d, thus proving a ... -
Linear connections on light-like manifolds
(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2008)It is well-known that a torsion-free linear connection on a light-like manifold (M, g) compatible with the degenerate metric g exists if and only if Rad(TM) is a Killing distribution. In case of existence, there is an ...