Güncel Gönderiler: Matematik Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 291, listelenen: 161-180
Seiberg-Witten Like Equations on Pseudo-Riemannian Spin.. Manifolds with G(2(2))* Structure
(Hindawi LTD, 2016)We consider 7-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian spin(c) manifolds with structure group G(2(2))*. On such manifolds, the space of 2-forms splits orthogonally into components Lambda M-2 = Lambda(2)(7) circle plus Lambda(2)(14). ... -
On Seven Dimensional 3-Sasakian Manifolds
(Ankara University, Fac Sci, 2016)3-Sasakian manifolds in dimension seven have cocalibrated and nearly parallel G(2)-structures. In this work, cocalibrated G(2)-structure is deformed by one of the characteristic vector fields of the 3-Sasakian structure ... -
Dirac Operator on a 7-Manifold with Deformed G(2) Structure
(Ovidius University Press, 2012)In this work, we consider the deforming of a G(2) structure by a vector field on a 7-manifold. To obtain the metric corresponding to deformed G(2) structure, a new map is defined. By using this new map, the co-variant ... -
Quasi-Sasakian Structures on 5-Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Algebras
(Ankara University, Fac Sci, 2019)In this study, we examine the existence of quasi-Sasakian structures on nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension five. In addition, we give some results about left invariant quasi-Sasakian structures on Lie groups of dimension ... -
Self-similar groups in the sense of an iterated function system and their properties
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2013)The notion of self-similarity in the sense of iterated function system (IFS) for compact topological groups is given by S. Kocak in Definition 3. In this work, first we give the definition of strong self-similar group in ... -
Geodesics of the Sierpinski Gasket
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte LTD, 2018)In this paper, we examine the number of geodesics between two points of the Sierpinski Gasket (S) via code representations of the points and as a main result we show that the maximum number of geodesics between different ... -
An Iterated Function System for the Closure of the Adding Machine Group
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte LTD, 2015)In this paper, first we equip the automorphism group of the p-ary rooted tree X* with a natural metric and define a family of contractions on Aut(X*). Then, we construct an iterated function system (IFS) whose attractor ... -
Almost Contact Metric Structures on 5-Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Algebras
(MDPI AG, 2016)We study almost contact metric structures on 5-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras and investigate the class of left invariant almost contact metric structures on corresponding Lie groups. We determine certain classes that ... -
Almost contact metric structures induced by G(2) structures
(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2017)We study almost contact metric structures induced by 2-fold vector cross products on manifolds with G(2) structures. We get some results on possible classes of almost contact metric structures. Finally, we give examples. -
The relationship between learning styles and achievement in calculus course for engineering students
(Elsevier Science BV, 2012)The researches that have been done recently indicated that individuals' ability to learn and interact might increase when the proper conditions are met that suitable for every single individual in terms of pace of comprehension ... -
Finite subquandles of sphere
(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2010)In this work finite subquandles of sphere are classified by using classification of subgroups of orthogonal group O(3). For any subquandle Q of sphere there is a subgroup G(Q) of O(3) associated with Q. It is shown that ... -
On deformations of G(2)-structures by Killing vector fields
(Walter De Gruyter GMBH, 2014)In this paper, vectorial type deformations of a 7-dimensional manifold with structure group G 2 are considered. The fundamental 3-form of such a manifold is deformed by a vector field, and the new cross product and the new ... -
Graphical Understanding in Mathematics Education: Derivative Functions and Students' Difficulties
(Elsevier Science BV, 2012)Effective teaching is one of the most important factors to improve students' achievement. Therefore, many researchers in mathematics education are looking for several ways to improve the quality of learning. The purpose ... -
Large margin classifiers based on affine hulls
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)This paper introduces a geometrically inspired large margin classifier that can be a better alternative to the support vector machines (SVMs) for the classification problems with limited number of training samples. In ... -
Goldie-Supplemented Modules
(Cambridge University Press, 2010)Motivated by a relation on submodules of a module used by both A. W. Goldie and P. F. Smith, we say submodules X, Y of M are beta* equivalent, X beta* Y, if and only if X + Y/X is small in M/X and X + Y/Y is small in M/Y. ... -
The Euler characteristic and signature of four-dimensional closed manifolds and the normalized Ricci flow equation
(Springer, 2016)Let M be a closed manifold of dimension four, and let [0, T) be the maximal time interval for the normalized Ricci flow equation. We prove that, if the normalized Ricci flow equation has a solution on the non-negative real ... -
On Strongly Precontinuous Functions
(Springer, 2008)In this paper, we give some characterizations of strongly precontinuous functions. Also we investigate some special properties of these function. -
On Ads-Modules With the Sip
(Iranian Mathematical Soc, 2015)The class of ads modules with the SIP (briefly, SA-modules) is studied. Various conditions for a module to be SA-module are given. It is proved that for a quasi-continuous module M, M is a UC-module if and only if M is an ... -
Amply (weakly) Goldie-Rad-supplemented modules
(Inst Applied Mathematics & Mechanics Natl Acad Sciences Ukraine, 2016)Let R be a ring and M be a right R-module. We say a submodule S of M is a (weak) Goldie-Rad-supplement of a submodule N in M, if M = N + S, (N boolean AND S <= Rad(M)) N boolean AND S <= Rad(S) and N beta**S, andM is called ... -
Weak Conjugate Duality for Nonconvex Vector Optimization
(Yokohama Publishers, 2017)In this work, weak conjugate map, weak biconjugate map and weak subdifferential of a set-valued map are defined by using notions of supremum/infimum of a set and vectorial norm, and relationships among these notions are ...