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dc.contributor.authorÇelik, Onur Veli
dc.contributor.authorBulgu, Nefise
dc.description.abstractBu çalışmada Osmanlı Devletinde, Geç Osmanlı döneminden, Cumhuriyetin ilanın kadar geçen süreç içerisinde gerçekleştirilmeye çalışılmış Batılılaşma hareketleri, bu hareketlerin spor ve spor eğitimi alanına yansımaları ve dönemin spor kültürünün incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada verilerin toplanması amacıyla “alan yazın taraması” yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla çeşitli kütüphanelerde, dergilerde ve kurumlarda bu döneme ilişkin kaynaklar taranmış ve buradan elde edilen veriler çalışmada kullanılmıştır. “Çağdaşlaşma” adına olumlu adımların atıldığı Tanzimat dönemiyle birlikte, Osmanlıda askeri alan dışında edebiyat, siyaset, sosyal yaşantı, eğitim, devlet hukuku ve devlet kuruluşlarında olduğu gibi “spor ve spor eğitimi" alanında da ilk kez Batıdakine benzer reformlar gerçekleştirildiği görülmektedir. Bu dönemde ilk kez (1863) Mekteb-i Hayriye’de Avrupai tarzda gerçekleştirilen cimnastik etkinlikleri Riyazat-ı bedeniye” adı altında ders programına dahil edilmiştir. Aynı dönemde Osmanlı topraklarında yaşayan azınlıklar ve yurt dışından ülkeye gelmiş olan yabancı uyruklu ailelerin çabaları ile futbol, tenis ve basketbol gibi spor dallarında faaliyetler gerçekleştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Osmanlı devletinde ilk kez batılı anlamda spor faaliyetlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi amacıyla 1872 yılında spor kulübü (The Imperid Yatching and Boating Club) kurulmuştur. Bu dönemin beraberinde getirdiği bir başka gelişmenin de, ilk kulüpleşme çalışmalarının yabancılar tarafından gerçekleştirilmeye başlanmış olmasıdır. Osmanlı Devleti resmi olarak ilk kez 1912 yılında Stockholm’de düzenlenen Olimpiyat oyunlarında temsil edilmiştir. 1906 yılında Atina’da düzenlenen ara olimpiyatlarda ve 1908 yılında Londra’da düzenlenen oyunlarda da Osmanlı Devleti sporcularının müsabakalara katıldığına ilişkin belgelerin bulunduğu ifade edilmektedir. Toplumların spor tarihlerinin ve spor kültürlerinin incelenmesi, onların bugünkü durumlarını açıklayabilmede önemli bir rol oynayacağı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca, geçmişte hangi sporların gelişmiş olduğu, sporun örgütlenme ve kurumsallaşma göstergelerinin neler olduğu, sporun işlevlerinin neler olduğu sorularına verilecek yanıtlar spor vasıtasıyla kültürümüz hakkında fikir sahibi olmamıza yardımcı olacaktır.en_US
dc.description.abstractOttoman state in the last period stated out of West” by not keeping up with the intellectual, politic and economic developments required by that age. Emperorship made a decision to change by leaving traditional attitude aside to get rid of this hard condition in which it is in 18th century. The ideas of being Western, catching West whose dominance was entirely accepted in that century, had been suggested as an only remedy of being got rid of, at once, this hard condition. It is stated that Western movements which will determine everythings in the comminity and culture of Ottoman with this idea and belief were started. This study deals with innovations and organizations in the field of sports and sports education and sports culture during the period from late Ottoman Empire until the declaration of Turkish Republic in 1923 within the framework of westernization movements. The study will also try to present data about the dominant sports and the proofs of organization and institualization attempts during the period and; therefore, also providing some insights about general Turkish culture of the period with the help of data obtained about the sports. The dominant sports in Ottoman Empire are found to have been wrestling, hunting, archery, horse riding, fencing, weightlifting, discus, hammer and javelin throwing, and kicking. It is also observed that sports education was mostly based on training and practice for war rather than a conscious and planned activity. When traditional sports organizations in Ottoman Empire are examined, it can be observed that three main facilitators were dominant: a) Sports Schools (Sport Tekkes). b)The support for the sportsmen by those who were politically and financially powerful. c) Ağalık” system, still effective due to Kırkpınar wrestling organization. After the declaration of Tanzimat (Administrative reforms) in 1839, many reforms were realized in many different field such as literature, politics, socials life, education, state law and govermantal institutions. Sports were not an exception fort he application of such reforms similar to those made in West. Among the most important initial steps, the following ones stand out: the inclusion of European style gymnastic activities in military school curriculum for he first time in 1863 under the course titled Riyazat-ı bedeniye”; the emergence of some activities in various sports branches such as football, tenis and basketball thanks to the attempts by the minorities living in Ottoman territories and foreign families coming from abroad as visitors. First spor club was constructed in Otoman State (The Imperid Yatching and Boating Club, 1872) by Augustus Charles Hobart Hampten. The first football clubs were as follows: Moda, Kadıköy and Imogene founded in İstanbul; Football and Rugby Panianios, Apollon, and Pelops founded by Evangelidis English people in İzmir; and Elpis football club founded by Rums. Also, primal federative structuring implemented at the same period in Ottoman State (İstanbul Football Union - İstanbul Futbol Birliği, 1903-1910). The members of this union were Galatasaray, Kadıköy, Moda, Fenerbahçe, Strugglers, Yasson, Dark and Tatavla. On the other hand, all of the organizational movements and fredooms were forbidden by II. Abdülhamid. Also in this period, Ottoman state was invited invited to participate in the first Olympic Games held in Athens in 1896, however, it was not until 1908, the date fort he declaration of II. Tanzimat (Administrative reforrms), that the Olympic Committee was established and athletes were sent to Modern Olympic Games. The reason for thi s situation was thet all organized activities were banned by the despotic goverment of the period. The related literature states that the first oficial representation of Ottoman State in Olympic Games was in 1912 Olympic Games held in Stockholm. However, there are also some documents stating that some athletes from Otoman State participated in 1906 Olympic Games held in Athens and in 1908 Olympic Games held in London. 1916 Olympic Games, which were supposed to take place in Berlin, were cancelled due to ongoing First World War. In addition, Otoman Empire did not participate in 1920 Olympic Games since it was a country defeated in First World War. Thus, 1912 Olympic Games, in which Otoman State was represented by two Armenian athletes, was first and last Olympic Games in which Otoman State was officially represented. The participant of Ottoman State in Modern Olmpic Games and development of Olympic Movement started under strict and problematic conditions, which continued until the declaration of Republic in 1923. When the above mentioned period is examined in detail, it can be observed that the important obstacles in spreading sports activities in Ottoman State during the period examined were prohibitive despotic regime dominant during the reign of Abdülhamit II and highly consevative Ottoman families of the period, and the fact that all sportive activities were carried out only by the foreigners and the minorities living in Ottoman State. The related literature clearly shows that Western style sports organizations and activities were available in Ottoman State only after a two- hundred year delay. This reality should be considered in the discussions made about the development and the spread of sports in Turkey. According to this study, Westernization movement and the declaration of Reorganization” had positive effects on the developments observed in the field of sports in Ottoman State. Sports education were limited to military schools and privileged statesmen and no obvious attempts were intiated to spread this education to public in this period. Also, The first opportunity for the public to get into sports freely in a organized way was the emergence of football, which is considered to be the first national sport”. Football became the symbol of national struggle for freedom” during the football matches played with the soldiers of invading countries and therefore became very popular among public very quickly. No data and source were found regarding the active role of women in sports organizations and sports activities during the late Ottoman period. It has been thought that the investigation of sport histories and sport cultures of comminities had an important role to explain their current conditions. It will also be important to understand how sport concept developed and was constructed in Türkiye. In this perspective, it will help us that the answers given to the questions of how the sport functions, what are the organizational and institutional indicators of sport and which sports developed will help us to have an idea about the cultures of the communities through sport.en_US
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimleren_US
dc.subjectDisiplinler Arasıen_US
dc.titleGeç Osmanlı döneminde batılılaşma ekseninde beden eğitimi ve sporen_US
dc.title.alternativePhysical education and sport on westernized movements in the last ottoman perioden_US
dc.relation.journalSelçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisien_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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