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dc.contributor.authorÖzer, A. Ç.
dc.description.abstractUniversities are one of the educational institutions that would generate, improve and spread information and can have a mission on forming the information society. Universities are able to deliver and spread dormation to their institutiom and the community of their town by utilizing mass communication tools. Radios may well preserve and improve local characteristics while they are providing contribution to the formation of information society. When universities fulfill such functions, they should determine their broadcasting policies in accordance with the understanding of "social responsibility" and "public service broadcasting" and they should produce broadcasts appropriate to these approaches. In this study, a questionnaire was designed and applied to collect data about the broadcast types and coverage of university radios and the results were studed. Radio is a mass communication mean the establishment and operation of whlch are economic and suitable to the understanding of broadcasting owing to their dstinctive characteristics. Universities can both contribute to the formation of information society and help to the protection of local identities and cultures by producing radio programmes accepting public service broadcasting and providing ground to the democratic participation. Rado, because of many peculiarities, is a mass media tool appropriate to the aimed broadcasting understandng. For this reason, universities may primarily prefer the radio for broadcasting. In the theoretical parts of the study, information society, the place and functions of the universities in the information society, the functions of the mass communication tools, public service broadcasting, altemative broadcasting, university radios and the types of rado programmes have been studied. In the application part, a questionnaire was designed to collect data about the program types and coverage of university radios and the questionnaire was given and the results were studieden_US
dc.subjectInformation Societyen_US
dc.subjectPublic Service Broadcastingen_US
dc.subjectThe Broadcast Structure Of Radosen_US
dc.subjectUniversity Radosen_US
dc.titleStructure, form and content of universities' radio broadcasting in Turkey universitiesen_US
dc.relation.journalWorld Applied Sciences Journalen_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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