Güncel Gönderiler: Bildiri Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 293, listelenen: 181-200
Adopting mission and vision statements by employees: The case of TAV Airports
(Elsevier Science BV, 2014)Mission and vision statements are popular both in the extant literature and the practice for the companies' strategic management. While many studies have been realized about relationship between vision-mission statements ... -
Storyboarding issues in online course production process
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)This paper presents some issues in online course development process. Online course development takes for a long time and it is a comprehensive process. A web developer makes a scenario from the content which is sent by ... -
Technology oriented efforts to support faculty in online learning environment
(Elsevier Science BV, 2011)Faculty members' roles changes in distance education unlike traditional education and they take new roles. According to these new roles, faculty encounters different problems in distance learning processes. Faculty need ... -
Behavior of Soil Reinforcements in Slopes
(Elsevier Science BV, 2016)In geotechnical and transportation engineering, especially road constructions in cuts and deep excavation problems are solved by using different supporting excavation methods. Soil reinforcements are chosen due to easy and ... -
Ict Action Competence in Teacher Education
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2011)The digital age brings about several advantages in our lives in addition to the societal problems like the climate change, global warming and the digital divide. These problems are rooted in the way we pursue our lives ... -
The effect of joint ventures on airline competition: the case of American airlines, British airways and Iberia joint business
(Elsevier Science BV, 2015)Regulatory obstacles have led international airlines to make extensive cooperation in the provision of service. The global airline alliances that link U.S. airlines to members in other states is the most visible form of ... -
Web sites for children
(Elsevier Science BV, 2009)Rapid development of technology permits new forms of interactions with the use of internet technologies. Children web sites are great tools that combine education and entertainment which is also called as edutainment. The ... -
Isolation and characterization of halophilic bacteria from Camalti Saltern Turkey
(Elsevier Science BV, 2009)… -
Comparison Study on Smoothing Parameter and Sample Size in Nonparametric Fuzzy Local Polynomial Regression Models
(IEEE, 2012)In this paper, we considered the relationship between the smoothing parameter value and sample size as a simulation study in nonparametric fuzzy local polynomial regression. For this aim, we developed fuzzy version of ... -
Transfer Printing Techniques in Art Education and Its Contemporary Applications
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2013)… -
Unit Commitment Scheduling by Using the Autoregressive and Artificial Neural Network Models Based Short-Term Load Forecasting
(IEEE, 2008)In this study, unit commitment (UC) problem is solved for an optimum schedule of generating units based on the load data forecasted by using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model and ANN model with Autoregressive (AR). ... -
Understanding Factors Influencing Distance Learners' Interaction Experiences
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2016)The aim of this study was to examine the interaction of learners in a distance language class. Approximately 450 learners from a higher education institution in the Aegean Region of Turkey participated provided with their ... -
Effect of Technology on Motivation in Grammar Classes
(IATED-Int Assoc Technology Education A& Development, 2010)According to many researchers in EFL teaching, motivation has an important role in language learning. In order to provide a classroom atmosphere that helps students to be more motivated, teachers use numerous methods and ... -
Effects of Vanadyl Sulphate (VOSO4 center dot 5H2O) on the Morphology of C6 Glioma Cells
(Amer Soc Cell Biology, 2013)… -
On the Scalarization of Set-Valued Optimization Problems with Respect to Total Ordering Cones
(Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2011)A construction method of total ordering cone on n dimensional Euclidean space was given, it was shown that any total ordering cone is isomorphic to the lexicographic cone, also, existence of a total ordering cone that ... -
Assessment of Turkish and class teacher candidates' attitudes towards children's literature and children's literature lesson
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)Purpose of this research is to reveal class and Turkish teacher candidates' attitudes towards children's literature lesson, and works of children's literature. Study group of this research is comprised of students from ... -
The formation of knowledge and its active utilization in practices of public relations in organisations
(Elsevier Science BV, 2015)Knowledge is the basic communication means of human being. It has reached today's world as the most important and influential means of communication although a part of it disappeared and another part was stored in a way ... -
Assessing Turkish language books used for the first and second echelon in primary education in terms OS principles of creative writing
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)Learning is a progress beginning with birth, and continuing for a lifetime. Primary education is the most important step where basic knowledge and skills are gained. Sound foundations in this stage will play an important ... -
Opinions of Turkish language teacher candidates on the statuses of teachers' usage of basic language skills and on the lessons in the curriculum
(Elsevier Science BV, 2010)The purpose of this research is to determine the opinions of the students of the Department of Turkish Language Teaching on the statuses of teachers' usage of basic language skills and on the lessons in the curriculum. In ...