Güncel Gönderiler: Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 791, listelenen: 441-460
Turkish SMES corporate sustainability approaches: Cluster analysis method, an empirical study
(Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research, 2014)Since sustainable concept was used in 1713 by Carl von Carlowitz as an environmental approach there have been many developments and the concept included economic and social subject and stated being an approach that helps ... -
The effectiveness of the constant time delay procedure in teaching pre-school academic skills to children with developmental disabilities in a small group teaching arrangement [Gelişimsel yetersizlik gösteren çocuklara okul öncesi dönem akademik becerilerin ögretiminde küçük grup ögretim düzenlemesiyle sunulan sabit bekleme süreli ögretimin etkililigi]
(Edam, 2014)Children with developmental disabilities are trained using different teaching arrangements. One of these arrangements is called small-group teaching. It has been ascertained that a small-group teaching arrangement is more ... -
Webfolio application in primary schools: Teacher and student perspectives [İlkögretimde webfolyo uygulamasi{dotless}: Ögretmen ve ögrenci görüşleri]
(Ankara University, 2014)The purpose of this study is to determine functionality of webfolio system in primary schools. This study was conducted on 4th grade Science and technology, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Turkish courses. The participants ... -
Training process cycles for special education teachers and university supervisors: A Turkish context [Özel egitim alani{dotless}nda uygulama ögretim elemani{dotless} yetiştirme süreci]
(Edam, 2014)In special education teacher training programs, the teaching practicum's role is both wide and extensive. Since, during this process, providing qualitative and satisfactory consulting services to supervisors is crucial, ... -
Taxonomical studies on endemic Scorzonera pygmaea var. pygmaea and var. nutans stat. nov. (Asteraceae) from Turkey
(Pakistan Botanical Society, 2014)The taxonomic status of Scorzonera pygmaea var. pygmaea and var. nutans belonging to the tribe. cichoreae (Asteraceae). S. pygmaea samples were collected from Arayit mountain. We suggest that these two subspecies should ... -
Effect of case-based video support on cyberbullying awareness
(Australian Council for Computers in Education, 2014)Cyberbullying is among the major trends regarding safe and ethical information technology use. Prevention suggestions tend to rely on implications of descriptive and correlational studies rather than true experimental ... -
Relationship between anaerobic power, vertical jump and aerobic performance in adolescent track and field athletes
(Editura Universitatea din Pitesti, 2014)The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between anaerobic power and vertical jump performance in adolescent athletes. Twenty four track and field athletes participated in this study (mean age: 15.79±0.83 ... -
Self-assessment and a comparison between the oral expression of some French learners and a native speaker [L'Auto-évaluation et une comparaison entre l'expression orale de quelques apprenants de français et celle d'un natif]
(GERFLINT, 2014)This qualitative study aimed firstly to compare oral expressions of some Turkish learners and that of a native French speaker. Learners were asked to summarize a short film they watched. We have filmed them and transcribed ... -
Teaching practice of a social studies practicum student who is blind: A case study [Görme engelli bir sosyal bilgiler ögretmen adayi{dotless}ni{dotless}n ögretmenlik uygulamasi{dotless}na İlişkin durum çali{dotless}şmasi{dotless}]
(Ani Publishing, 2014)Problem Statement: It is emphasized in the Council of Europe's action plan for people with disabilities (PD) that it is important to solve the employment problem to enable PD to integrate into society and improve the quality ... -
Primary school teacher candidates' geometric habits of mind [Si{dotless}ni{dotless}f ögretmeni adaylari{dotless}ni{dotless}n geometrideki zihinsel ali{dotless}şkanli{dotless}klari{dotless}]
(Edam, 2014)Geometric habits of mind are productive ways of thinking that support learning and using geometric concepts. Identifying primary school teacher candidates' geometric habits of mind is important as they affect the development ... -
Determination of hearing-impaired students' requirements for editing and revision of written texts [İşitme yetersizligi olan ögrencilerin yazi{dotless}li{dotless} ürünleri gözden geçirme ve düzeltme evresine duyduklari{dotless} i·htiyaci{dotless}n belirlenmesi]
(Edam, 2014)The editing and revision stages are an important part of the writing process. This study documented the types of revisions, revision units, and revision methods used during writing conferences with hearing-impaired students. ... -
The Republican People's Party and the 2014 local elections in Turkey
(SETA, 2014)Ahead of the 2014 local elections, the main opposition, the Republican People's Party (CHP), developed an aggressive outreach campaign to add new voters to its ranks as the disappearance of its former rivals, the Democratic ... -
Efficacy of teaching with simultaneous prompting in teaching the environmental sounds to a child with multiple disabilities [Çok özürlü bir çocuğa çevre seslerinin öğretiminde eşzamanlı ipucuyla öğretimin etkililiği]
(Hacettepe University, 2014)It is quite important for visually handicapped children to recognize the environmental sounds. This study was conducted to teach the sources of the environmental sounds to a visually handicapped and mentally retarded child. ... -
Turkish UAV capabilities as a new competitor in the market
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2014)Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the main Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) projects proceeded by Turkey and to reveal the future targets and the status of Turkey among the countries securing enhanced UAV ... -
Effects of trade liberalization on the welfare of the agriculture sector via double factoral domestic terms of trade in turkey: 1990-2010
(Prague Development Center, 2014)The effect of the agricultural support policies on the prices of the agricultural commodities has been declining in Turkey since 1990s. The prices of the agricultural commodities approximate to the world prices. The ... -
Interculturality in French language course books "Lattitudes 1/2" and "Alter Ego1/2" [L'interculturalité à travers les méthodes de français «Latitudes 1/2»et «Alter Ego 1/2 »]
(GERFLINT, 2014)Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) pays great attention to Task-Based Approach, which prepares the student to be a social actor in real life and be integrated to the target country on the basis of ... -
Stories about children with disabilities: The writing process and the opinions of the storywriters [Özel gereksinimli çocukları anlatan öyküler: Öykü yazma süreci ve öykü yazarlarının görüşleri]
(Ani Publishing, 2014)Problem Statement: Successful inclusion is established through understanding and respecting differences among individuals. This study emerged from the idea that books play an important role in this understanding and from ... -
An example of child to child teaching in social studies course [Sosyal bilgiler dersinde çocuktan çocuga ögretim yaklaşimi{dotless}na iliskin ogretim uygulamasr]
(2014)Social studies is a course which terrains citizenship education and social change in a society. Individuals learn to comply with social rules and join to social life through social studies. Social studies course is all ... -
Pragmatic language skills of children with developmental disabilities: A descriptive and relational study in Turkey [Gelişimsel yetersizliği olan çocukların pragmatik dil becerileri: Türkiye’de betimsel ve ılişkisel bir çalışma]
(Ani Publishing, 2014)Problem Statement: Because communication skills, particularly pragmatic skills, are fundamental for living an independent life in society, these skills are vital to the quality of life of individuals with developmental ... -
Opinions of primary school teachers about the current state of emotional intelligence in the fifth grade curriculum [İlkögretim beşinci si{dotless}ni{dotless}f ögretim programlari{dotless}nda duygusal zekâya yer verilme durumuna i·lişkin si{dotless}ni{dotless}f ögretmenlerinin görüşleri]
(2014)The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of teachers about the coverage of emotional intelligence in the primary school fifth grade's curriculum. For this purpose, a descriptive research model has been used and ...