Güncel Gönderiler: Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 791, listelenen: 381-400
Investigation of mathematics teachers’ awareness of developing mathematical communication skills [Matematik öğretmenlerinin matematiksel iletişim becerilerinin gelişimine yönelik farkindaliklarının incelenmesi]
(Ankara University, 2016)The purpose of this study was to investigate mathematics teachers’ awareness of developing students’ mathematical communication skills. The study was designed qualitatively in which the data was collected through clinical ... -
Opportunities for students with disabilities in higher education institutions in Turkey: Where is ICT?
(International Journal of Special Education, 2016)Students with disabilities should have equal opportunities to participate in higher education as well as students without disabilities. These opportunities are mentioned in a number of various international conventions ... -
Improving reading comprehension skills through the SCRATCH program
(International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2016)The aim of this study was to reveal how reading comprehension skills of elementary fourth graders who have problems in reading comprehension can be improved by means of the SCRATCH program. The study was designed as a ... -
Research anxiety among Turkish graduate ELT students
(Arizona State University, 2016)The purpose of this study was to investigate the level and predictors of research-related anxiety among graduate ELT students in the Turkish context. 81 MA and PhD students from 14 universities offering graduate programs ... -
Effect of an eight-week plyometric training on different surfaces on the jumping performance of male volleyball players
(Editura Universitatea din Pitesti, 2016)The aim of this study was to investigate whether the effect of 8 weeks of plyometric training performed on wooden and synthetic surface on volleyball players jump performance. Thirty six male volleyball players whose ages ... -
Family generated and delivered social story intervention: Acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of social skills in youths with ASD
(Council for Exceptional Children, 2016)The purpose of this study was to examine whether (a) family members were able to learn to write a social story and deliver social story intervention to teach social skills to their children (age 12 to 16) with ASD, (b) ... -
Examining the implementation of inclusive education and special educational support services for students with hearing loss in Turkey
(Sakarya University, 2016)As a form of educational practice, inclusive education enables students with special needs (i.e. children with hearing loss) to have education as their typically developing peers at the same educational context by supplying ... -
Smart board usage in mathematics instruction of hearing impaired youths
(Sakarya University, 2016)Today, mathematics has unquestionable importance of almost everyone’s private and professional life. However mathematics is one of the most challenging courses for students. One of the most important reason for that ... -
Working environment preparation process of hearing impaired youths at higher education
(Sakarya University, 2016)For the development of a country, there is a need for qualified manpower and it can be provided by wellstructured learning environments. Also hearing impaired individuals need well-structured learning environments for ... -
The use of information technologies by the students of Anadolu university Porsuk vocational school of higher education radio and television technology and printing and publishing technologies departments
(Sakarya University, 2016)This study aims to examine the use of information technology by the students of Radio and Television Technology and Printing and Publishing Technologies departments. To this end, a questionnaire consisting of 25 questions ... -
School effectiveness and comparison of the effectiveness of Turkish state secondary schools according to socioeconomic status
(Sakarya University, 2016)Although the effectiveness of a school is mostly evaluated with the students’ achievement in core lessons in national or international exams, “School Effectiveness” is a multifaceted term which includes the qualities of ... -
Still designing textbooks for open and distance learning
(Sakarya University, 2016)[No abstract available] -
Supporting the professional development of early childhood teachers in head start: A case of acquiring technology proficiency [Head start programi erken çocukluk dönemi öğretmenlerinin mesleki gelişimlerinin desteklenmesi: Teknoloji yeterliklerinin kazanimina bir örnek]
(Ankara University, 2017)The main purpose of this paper is to describe an exemplary professional development approach in technology learning and its outcomes for early childhood teachers in Head Start in the context of a technology project. The ... -
The national image of the world in poetics of K.D. Balmont and S.A. Yesenin: The urban space and Indian cosmos
(Serials Publications, 2017)The article considers the usage of the national elements in the poetry of K.D. Balmont, through the prism of the urban text. A lot of researches had been devoted to this issue, but scientists mainly appealed to the poems ... -
A taxonomical framework of socio-cultural hazards in transport HUBS
(WITPress, 2017)This article presents a taxonomical framework that supports the considerations of socio-cultural hazards that may affect crowd management in transport hubs, i.e. airports, ports, underground and train stations, both in ... -
Social studies teacher candidates’ opinions about digital citizenship and its place in social studies teacher training program: A comparison between the USA and Turkey
(Sakarya University, 2017)This research aims to determine and compare what social studies teacher candidates living in two different countries think about digital citizenship and its place within social studies and social studies teacher training ... -
The written expression performance of students with hearing loss: Results from an implementation of the auditory-oral approach
(Sakarya University, 2017)Written expression skills play an important role in the development of the linguistic, academic and social skills of individuals from their school years onwards. The aim of this study was to evaluate the written expression ... -
Relational thinking: The bridge between arithmetic and algebra
(International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2017)The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of relational thinking skill, which is an important component of the transition from arithmetic to algebra, of 5th grade students. In the study, the qualitative ... -
International collaboration and its contributions: Disseminating knowledge and supporting evidence-based practices across countries
(Council for Exceptional Children, 2017)This article explores how international collaboration among researchers can contribute to developing evidence-based practices and disseminating knowledge in the field of special education. A review of a sample of special ... -
eLearning for pluralism: The culture of elearning in building a knowledge society
(Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2011)This paper discusses culture, as a source of conflict than of synergy, how affects the use of elearning for pluralism to build a knowledge society. It also argues that the cultural dimensions of Geert Hofstede, who ...