Güncel Gönderiler: Öksüz Yayınlar
Toplam kayıt 1207, listelenen: 581-600
An investigation into the mathematics achievement and attitude towards mathematics with respect to learning style according to gender
(2007)This study aimed to investigate whether there is a relationship beween gender and learning style, mathematical achievement and attitude towards mathematics. The subjects of this study were 5th-semester students (42 females, ... -
Antimicrobial activity of Palustriella commutata (Hedw.) ochyra extracts (Bryophyta)
(2006)The present study describes the antimicrobial activity of 2 extracts of Palustriella commutata (Hedw.) Ochyra, collected from the Sündiken Mountains, Eskişehir, Turkey. These extracts were first prepared with acetone and ... -
Enhancing instructional efficiency through generalization and instructive feedback: A single-subject study with children with mental retardation
(2008)The purpose of this study was to analyze (a) the acquisition and maintenance effects of the simultaneous prompting (SP) procedure on teaching to name objects to two participants with mental retardation, (b) the effects of ... -
Turkish mothers' verbal interaction practices and self-efficacy beliefs regarding their children with expressive language delay
(2008)The purpose of this study was to explore Turkish mothers' verbal interaction practices and their maternal self-efficacy beliefs regarding their children with expressive language delay. Participants included 33 Turkish ... -
Perspectives of Turkish mothers on having a child with developmental disabilities
(2008)The purpose of the present study was to examine the perspectives of Turkish mothers of their children with developmental disabilities A descriptive study was conducted via collecting data using semi-structured interviews. ... -
Teaching emergency phone numbers to youth with developmental disabilities
(2008)The purpose of the present study was to investigate the acquisition, maintenance, and generalization effects of antecedent prompt and testing procedure (APTP) on teaching emergency phone numbers to youth with developmental ... -
Empowering leisure skills in adults with autism: An experimental investigation through the most to least prompting procedure
(2008)The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a most to least prompting procedure in the learning of practical leisure skills for adults with autism. The selected activity was making a basket form from clay and ... -
A case study on the importance of local geology on selection of cut-off wall construction procedure
(2008)A cut-off wall was implemented for a shopping mall to be constructed in Eskisehir/Turkey. The subject site is located near Porsuk River on an alluvial plain. Local geology of the subject site consists of Quaternary aged ... -
The use of e-learning technologies for the delivery of VET: Anadolu University e-platform
(2008)Vocational Education and Training (VET) is one of the highest priority educational issues among the countries due to its impact on the economic growth and development. Education is the instrument of fostering the knowledge, ... -
Environmental ceramics and advances in ceramic filters for diesel engine emissions
(2008)As long as fossil fuels are being used as the primary energy source, the world will face great environmental problems and the development of ceramic technology may be the key for the solution. Environmental ceramics ... -
Six-membered rings with two or more heteroatoms with at least one arsenic to bismuth
(Elsevier Ltd., 2008)[No abstract available] -
Speech rates of Turkish prelingually hearing-impaired children
(2008)The aim of training children with hearing impairment in the auditory oral approach is to develop good speaking abilities. However, children with profound hearing-impairment show a wide range of spoken language abilities, ... -
Reflections of hearing impaired students on daily and instructional PDA use
(2009)[No abstract available] -
Conflict management styles of Turkish managers
(2009)Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine Turkish managers' conflict styles in different sectors, namely durable consumer goods, aviation, automotive and banking. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 130 managers' ... -
Understanding rigid geometric transformations: Jeff's learning path for translation
(2009)This article describes the development of knowledge and understanding of translations of Jeff, a prospective elementary teacher, during a teaching experiment that also included other rigid transformations. His initial ... -
Marketing of SMHEs in Turkey: A comparative analysis
(2009)Marketing function in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is seen as peripheral to the management. This paper aims to analyze marketing practices of small and medium sized hotel enterprises (SMHEs) in Turkey, and to ... -
A study on the effect of mathematics teaching provided through drama on the mathematics ability of six-year-old children
(Modestum LTD, 2009)This study was conducted to examine the effect of mathematics teaching given through the drama method on the mathematical ability of six-year-old children. The research was conducted in Ankara on 105 children from the ... -
An Analysis of the Curricula of Business Administration Departments in Turkish Universities With the Perspective of Civil Society Awareness
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2009)The authors' goal was to analyze the curricula of business administration departments in state and private universities in Turkey, which have been offering courses such as business and society, social responsibility, ... -
Online communication courses: The developments in the area of communication education
(2009)E-learning as a form of distance education has become one of the essential movements in all levels of education. Almost all of the higher education institutions in Turkey as well as the rest of the world have been trying ...