Güncel Gönderiler: Öksüz Yayınlar
Toplam kayıt 1207, listelenen: 541-560
Primary school teacher candidates' geometric habits of mind [Si{dotless}ni{dotless}f ögretmeni adaylari{dotless}ni{dotless}n geometrideki zihinsel ali{dotless}şkanli{dotless}klari{dotless}]
(Edam, 2014)Geometric habits of mind are productive ways of thinking that support learning and using geometric concepts. Identifying primary school teacher candidates' geometric habits of mind is important as they affect the development ... -
Determination of hearing-impaired students' requirements for editing and revision of written texts [İşitme yetersizligi olan ögrencilerin yazi{dotless}li{dotless} ürünleri gözden geçirme ve düzeltme evresine duyduklari{dotless} i·htiyaci{dotless}n belirlenmesi]
(Edam, 2014)The editing and revision stages are an important part of the writing process. This study documented the types of revisions, revision units, and revision methods used during writing conferences with hearing-impaired students. ... -
The Republican People's Party and the 2014 local elections in Turkey
(SETA, 2014)Ahead of the 2014 local elections, the main opposition, the Republican People's Party (CHP), developed an aggressive outreach campaign to add new voters to its ranks as the disappearance of its former rivals, the Democratic ... -
Efficacy of teaching with simultaneous prompting in teaching the environmental sounds to a child with multiple disabilities [Çok özürlü bir çocuğa çevre seslerinin öğretiminde eşzamanlı ipucuyla öğretimin etkililiği]
(Hacettepe University, 2014)It is quite important for visually handicapped children to recognize the environmental sounds. This study was conducted to teach the sources of the environmental sounds to a visually handicapped and mentally retarded child. ... -
Turkish UAV capabilities as a new competitor in the market
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2014)Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the main Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) projects proceeded by Turkey and to reveal the future targets and the status of Turkey among the countries securing enhanced UAV ... -
Effects of trade liberalization on the welfare of the agriculture sector via double factoral domestic terms of trade in turkey: 1990-2010
(Prague Development Center, 2014)The effect of the agricultural support policies on the prices of the agricultural commodities has been declining in Turkey since 1990s. The prices of the agricultural commodities approximate to the world prices. The ... -
Interculturality in French language course books "Lattitudes 1/2" and "Alter Ego1/2" [L'interculturalité à travers les méthodes de français «Latitudes 1/2»et «Alter Ego 1/2 »]
(GERFLINT, 2014)Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) pays great attention to Task-Based Approach, which prepares the student to be a social actor in real life and be integrated to the target country on the basis of ... -
Detecting different borate mineral zones in the Kirka Borate Open Pit Mine by ASTER satellite images
(Asian Association on Remote Sensing, 2014)Borate mirerals are among the most important and strategic mineral in the world. As it will probably be used as energy source in the future, it has a great importance. Turkey has about 70% of world reserves of borate ... -
Stories about children with disabilities: The writing process and the opinions of the storywriters [Özel gereksinimli çocukları anlatan öyküler: Öykü yazma süreci ve öykü yazarlarının görüşleri]
(Ani Publishing, 2014)Problem Statement: Successful inclusion is established through understanding and respecting differences among individuals. This study emerged from the idea that books play an important role in this understanding and from ... -
An example of child to child teaching in social studies course [Sosyal bilgiler dersinde çocuktan çocuga ögretim yaklaşimi{dotless}na iliskin ogretim uygulamasr]
(2014)Social studies is a course which terrains citizenship education and social change in a society. Individuals learn to comply with social rules and join to social life through social studies. Social studies course is all ... -
Pragmatic language skills of children with developmental disabilities: A descriptive and relational study in Turkey [Gelişimsel yetersizliği olan çocukların pragmatik dil becerileri: Türkiye’de betimsel ve ılişkisel bir çalışma]
(Ani Publishing, 2014)Problem Statement: Because communication skills, particularly pragmatic skills, are fundamental for living an independent life in society, these skills are vital to the quality of life of individuals with developmental ... -
Opinions of primary school teachers about the current state of emotional intelligence in the fifth grade curriculum [İlkögretim beşinci si{dotless}ni{dotless}f ögretim programlari{dotless}nda duygusal zekâya yer verilme durumuna i·lişkin si{dotless}ni{dotless}f ögretmenlerinin görüşleri]
(2014)The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of teachers about the coverage of emotional intelligence in the primary school fifth grade's curriculum. For this purpose, a descriptive research model has been used and ... -
Preservice mathematics teachers' personal figural concepts and classifications about quadrilaterals
(Social Science Press, 2014)The aim of this study was to determine preservice mathematics teachers' personal figural concepts and hierarchical classifications about quadrilaterals and to investigate the relationships between them. The participants ... -
Effects of school counselor supervised peer tutoring in inclusive settings on meeting iep outcomes of students with developmental disabilities
(Council for Exceptional Children, 2014)The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of school counselor supervised peer tutoring intervention on meeting IEP outcomes of six inclusion students with developmental disabilities in a public elementary ... -
The open education system, Anadolu University, Turkey: e-transformation in a mega-university
(2006)Anadolu University in Turkey is one of the world’s largest and least known mega-universities. Well over one million students in Turkey, the European Union and Northern Cyprus are enrolled in its Open Education System and ... -
Perceived social support as predictors of adolescents’ career exploration
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2014)The aim of this study was to examine whether adolescents’ career exploration is predicted by perceived social support. Participants were 718 seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth grade students. In this research, simultaneous ... -
GIS and RS in city planning in Turkey
(2006)The volumes of data needed for planning has made GIS an invaluable tool, now used for such purposes all over the world. Satellite images also provide rapid and up-to-date data for planning. The authors studied the use of ... -
What tweets tell us about MOOC participation
(2014)In this research paper, the authors analyze the collected Twitter data output during MobiMOOC 2011. This six-week data stream includes all tweets that contain the MOOC's hashtag (#mobiMOOC) and it has been analyzed using ... -
Comparison of direct instruction and simultaneous prompting procedure on teaching concepts to individuals with intellectual disability
(Council for Exceptional Children, 2014)The purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency, effectiveness, maintenance effects and social validity of two instructional methods, Direct Instruction and Simultaneous Prompting Procedure, on teaching concepts ... -
Causality between energy consumption and GDP in the U.S.: Evidence from wavelet analysis
(2014)This study investigates the dynamic causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in the U.S. at different time scales. The main novelty of the study is that this paper complements the existing studies ...