Güncel Gönderiler: Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı
Toplam kayıt 1217, listelenen: 521-540
The expression of future in Turkish [Le futur du turc et ses traductions en français]
(GERFLINT, 2013)The status of affix -(y)AcAK, the future morpheme in Turkish, is an object of controversy. Certain linguists suggest that the affix -(y)AcAK is neither a marker of time nor aspect, but rather that of modality. Some others ... -
Using public relations process in setting up websites: A model proposal for open and distance education universities
(IGI Global, 2013)Information and communication technologies play a key role in public relations applications in creating an effective communication between institutions and target audiences and student support services of distance education ... -
Examining domestic transactions of incoming tourists with credit cards in Turkey
(2013)Changes in visitors' spending habits that take place within a definite region can be applied to a model of the local economy to carry out any conversions to be linked with income. To put into action some tourism and banking ... -
Offensiveness of Advertising with Violent Image Appeal: A Cross-Cultural Study
(2013)Violent images are often used in advertisements to gain attention and sell products, resulting in complaints to regulatory bodies and concern regarding the effects of these potentially offensive advertisements on society. ... -
Effects of duct shape on a ducted propeller performance
(2013)Performance characteristics and velocity field of a ducted propeller in hover and axial flight conditions are investigated experimentally. Five different circular duct shapes has been tested. Effect of duct geometry is ... -
Class-wide Positive Behavior Support plan on adhering to the classroom rules [Sinif çapli Olumlu Davraniş Destegi uygulamasinin sinif kurallarina uyma davranişi üzerindeki etkileri]
(2013)The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Positive Behaviors Support (PBS) plan that was designed after interviews with teachers and Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) on the behavior of obeying classroom ... -
Preservice primary school mathematics teachers' questioning skills and knowledge of students in terms of pedagogical content knowledge [lkögretim matematik ögretmeni adaylarinin pedagojik alan bilgisi baglaminda sorgulama becerileri ve ögrenci bilgileri]
(2013)The aim of this study was to determine preservice primary school mathematics teachers' skills to prepare clinical interview tasks, to question and to analyze and interpret the questioned students' thinking. The study group ... -
Science teacher candidates' thoughts about global warming studying in Turkey and United Kingdom [Türkiye ve Ingiltere'deki fen bilimleri alaninda ögrenim gören ögretmen adaylarinin küresel isinmaya yönelik düşünceleri]
(2013)Teachers have important roles in raising awareness of students about global warming and educating them as environmentally conscious individuals. Being a good environmental educator is related with the knowledge of the ... -
Constructing the "Arab Spring": News discourses in Turkish newspapers
(2013)Originating in Tunisia and spreading rapidly to Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, and Libya, the recent wave of popular movements that the Western media have dubbed the "Arab Spring" has been closely monitored by the whole world ... -
E-Book Readers for Everyone: FATIH Project
(IGI Global, 2013)Mobile Technology (MT) provides many opportunities to individuals, such as talking with people, watching movie clips, and reading books whenever or wherever they want. This also allows individuals to frequently connect for ... -
Constructing technopedagogical education based on teacher competencies in terms of national standards [Ulusal standartlar açısından teknopedagojik eğitime dayalı Öğretmen yeterliklerinin oluşturulmas]
(Ankara University, 2014)In literature, there are a number of technology integration models that could be a conceptual framework for effective technology use in the teaching process. One of these models is Technopedagogical education (Technological ... -
Perspectives on the past and the future: Clients’ views on UK service provision for adult stammering
(MA Healthcare Ltd, 2014)Background: Client opinions are appropriate contributions to the design and evaluation of health care services. Adults who stammer (AWS) have previously informed discussion regarding speech and language therapy (SLT) ... -
Class-wide Positive Behavior Support plan on adhering to the classroom rules
(Ankara University, 2014)The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Positive Behaviors Support (PBS) plan that was designed after interviews with teachers and Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) on the behavior of obeying classroom ... -
Organizational practices across cultures: An exploration in six cultural contexts
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2014)This study examined organizational practices in a sample of 1239 employees from various organizations in Argentina, Brazil, Malaysia, New Zealand, Turkey, and the United States. Twenty-four items measuring employee-orientation, ... -
Comparing implementation patterns of e-learning for higher education in Turkey and Estonia
(Academic Conferences Limited, 2014)Wide-scale implementation of technology-enhanced learning in schools and higher education has been supported by national and institutional level strategies and policies. In this paper for the first time we compare and ... -
Test cell emission measurements of commercial aircraft engine: CFM56-7B26
(American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc., 2014)In this study, the results of a test cell emission measurement campaign for overhauled CFM56-7B26 series engines are presented. The emissions are measured for specific power settings representing the main operating modes ... -
Trust in adoption to judiciary informatics system of senior management users
(2013)With the start of performing judiciary informatics in Turkey through information systems, especially the adoption of internal users carrying out these activities started to be significant. Senior management users (Chief ... -
Trends in primary education programs in the world and Turkey [Dünyada ve Türkiye'de i·lkögretim programlari{dotless}ndaki yönelimler]
(Ankara University, 2014)In this study, trends in primary education programs in the world and Turkey were investigated. During the study, first, trends in education and primary education were described, and then these trends were investigated. ... -
Turkish SMES corporate sustainability approaches: Cluster analysis method, an empirical study
(Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research, 2014)Since sustainable concept was used in 1713 by Carl von Carlowitz as an environmental approach there have been many developments and the concept included economic and social subject and stated being an approach that helps ...