Anadolu Üniversitesi Akademik Arşiv Sistemi
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Ludwig Lachmann ve Avusturya iktisat okulundan kurumsal iktisada açılan eylem teorisi
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2024)2000’li yıllardan sonra Ortodoks neoklasizmin sınırlı rasyonalite, kural takibi, kurumlar, bilişsellik ve evrim gibi ilkeleri benimseyerek değiştiği ve yeni yaklaşımlara doğru açıldığı ileri sürülmüştür. Bu yeni yaklaşımlardan ... -
Suça sürüklenen çocuklar ve çocuk dostu kentler
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2024)Yapılan arkeolojik çalışmalar geçmişte bazı devletlerin, kentlerini güvenlik gerekçesi ile surlar ve yüksek duvarların içerisine kurduklarını göstermiştir. İlerleyen dönemlerde kentlerin sınırlarını oluşturan bu duvarlardan ... -
Monetary policy uncertainty and exchange rate pass-through: evidence from Türkiye
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2024)In this study, the impacts of monetary policy uncertainty (MPU) on second and third-stage ERPT in Türkiye for the period June 2010–December 2023 are examined by using the Time-Varying Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic ... -
Karbon vergisi, emisyon ticaret sistemi ve sınırda karbon düzenlemesi: Türkiye açısından değerlendirmeler
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2024)Sanayi devrimi sonrası nüfus artışı ve doğal kaynakların hızlı tüketimi, küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliğine yol açmıştır. Bu durum, iklim değişikliğiyle mücadeleyi zorunlu kılmıştır. İlk adım, karbon emisyonlarını ... -
The impact of labour market regulations on the macroeconomic performance of Türkiye: an ARDL bounds test approach
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2024)The relationship between labour market regulations and macroeconomic performance is accepted as a complex and controversial issue in the economics literature. The research investigates the effect of labour market regulations ... -
Book review: Online postgraduate education: re-imagining openness, ditance and interaction
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2024)“Online Postgraduate Education: Re-imagining Openness, Distance, and Interaction,” authored by Katharine Stapleford and Kyungmee Lee, is an insightful exploration into the evolving landscape of postgraduate education ... -
The invigilator app and some VUCA elements it triggers in students and lecturers during online examinations: a case study of an English studies module at UNISA
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2024)This study reports on the experiences students registered for a first-year, undergraduate English Studies module and English Studies lecturers had with the Invigilator app during an online examination in the first semester ... -
Informal digital learning of English to support a formal speaking course: EFL preservice teachers’ perceptions and implementation ideas
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2024)This study aimed at exploring how English as a foreign language (hereafter, EFL) preservice teacher (hereafter, PSTs) who had no teaching experience perceived Informal Digital Learning of English (hereafter, IDLE) and their ... -
Closing the talent gap: a proposed micro-credential model in Malaysian formal education
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2024)The global talent gap is a consequence of skills mismatch among job seekers. Although micro-credentials appeared to be a potential solution to narrow the talent gap, it is unclear how they can be effectively implemented ... -
Up-close and social risks in distance higher education: a qualitative analysis of emergency remote teaching experiences
(Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2024)Education is both an institutional process and a set of conscious actions. Since its institutionalization, education has been viewed not only as an act of acquiring knowledge, but also as a socialization process. The ...