Güncel Gönderiler: PubMed İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 1498, listelenen: 441-460
Biocompatibility of designed MicNo-ZnO particles: Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and phototoxicity in human skin keratinocyte cells
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2018)Recently, designed platelet shaped micron particles that are composed of nano primary particles, called MicNo (= Micron + naNo) particles, have been developed to exploit the benefits of nano size, while removing the adverse ... -
Toxicity assessment of boron (B) by Lemna minor L. and Lemna gibba L. and their possible use as model plants for ecological risk assessment of aquatic ecosystems with boron pollution
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2016)As many of the metalloid-based pollutants, the boron (B) toxicity issues have aroused more and more global attentions, especially concerning drinking water sources which flow through boron-rich areas. Therefore, feasible ... -
In vitro evaluation of combination of EGCG and Erlotinib with classical chemotherapeutics on JAR cells
(Springer, 2017)Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia (GTN) is a term used for a group of malignant gynecological tumors including choriocarcinoma. Low-risk neoplasias can be cured using single agents Methotrexate (MTX) and actinomycin-D(ACD), ... -
Two new species of Ochthebius Leach (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) from Turkey
(Magnolia Press, 2014)Two new species of Ochthebius Leach ( Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) are described from Turkey: O. ( s. str.) halophilus ( Kirikkale Province) and O. ( Asiobates) arator ( Kutahya and Usak Provinces). The former is the first ... -
Biological assays on the effects of Acra3 peptide from Turkish scorpion Androctonus crassicauda venom on a mouse brain tumor cell line (BC3H1) and production of specific monoclonal antibodies
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2013)Constitutes of the venom scorpion are a rich source of low molecular mass peptides which are toxic to various organisms, including man. Androctonus crassicauda is one of the scorpions from the Southeastern Anatolia of ... -
Composition, antimicrobial activity and in vitro cytotoxicity of essential oil from Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (Lauraceae)
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2010)The essential oil from the bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume was analyzed by GC-MS and bioassays were carried out. Nine constituents representing 99.24% of the oil were identified by GC-MS. The major compounds in the oil ... -
Quercetin and Cisplatin combined treatment altered cell cycle and mitogen activated protein kinase expressions in malignant mesotelioma cells
(Bmc, 2016)Background: Malignant mesothelioma is a locally aggressive and highly lethal neoplasm of pleural, peritoneal and pericardial mesothelial cells without successful therapy. Previously, we reported that Quercetin in combination ... -
Mycotoxigenic moulds and mycotoxins in flours consumed in Turkey
(Wiley, 2014)BACKGROUNDAflatoxins (AFs) and ochratoxin A (OTA) are metabolites produced by several fungi of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium and have been found to contaminate human foods and animal feeds. The aim of this study ... -
Fungal biodiversity and mycotoxigenic fungi in cooling-tower water systems in Istanbul, Turkey
(Iwa Publishing, 2017)This is the first study to assess fungal diversity and mycotoxigenic fungi in open recirculating cooling-tower (CT) water systems (biofilm and water phase). The production capability of mycotoxin from fungal isolates was ... -
Who will win the race in childrens' oral cavities? Streptococcus mutans or beneficial lactic acid bacteria?
(Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2013)Adhesion to oral soft and hard tissue is crucial for bacterial colonisation in the mouth. The aim of this work was to select strains of oral lactic acid bacteria that could be used as probiotics for oral health. To this ... -
Fungal contaminants in man-made water systems connected to municipal water
(Iwa Publishing, 2018)Water-related fungi are known to cause taste and odor problems, as well as negative health effects, and can lead to water-pipeline clogging. There is no legal regulation on the occurrence of fungi in water environments. ... -
A taxonomic and phylogenetic revision of Penicillium section Aspergilloides
(Centraalbureau Schimmelculture, 2014)Species belonging to Penicillium section Aspergilloides have a world-wide distribution with P. glabrum, P. spinulosum and P. thomii the most well-known species of this section. These species occur commonly and can be ... -
Comparative analysis of prokaryotic diversity in solar salterns in eastern Anatolia (Turkey)
(Springer Japan Kk, 2016)The prokaryotic communities of four salterns (Bingol, Fadlum, Kemah, and Tuzlagozu) in Turkey were examined and compared using the cultivation and cultivation-independent methods [fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) ... -
Indoor airborne fungal pollution in newborn units in Turkey
(Springer, 2017)Pathogenic and/or opportunistic fungal species are major causes of nosocomial infections, especially in controlled environments where immunocompromised patients are hospitalized. Indoor fungal contamination in hospital air ... -
A comparative study on the therapeutic effects of Silymarin and Silymarin-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles on D-GaIN/TNF-alpha-induced Liver Damage in Balb/c Mice
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2015)Nanostructure-mediated drug delivery is known to have a potential to improve drug bioavailability, apart from fostering release deviation of drug molecules and enabling precision drug targeting. Solid lipid nanoparticles ... -
Sorption of lead ions from aqueous solution onto Enterococcus faecium biomass
(Iwa Publishing, 2013)This study reports kinetics and equilibrium of lead sorption onto the biomass of Enterococcus faecium. E. faecium is a lactic acid bacterium and was isolated from meat. Batch experiments were carried out to analyze the ... -
Evolution of complex symbiotic relationships in a morphologically derived family of lichen-forming fungi
(Wiley, 2015)We studied the evolutionary history of the Parmeliaceae (Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota), one of the largest families of lichen-forming fungi with complex and variable morphologies, also including several lichenicolous fungi. ... -
Novel ferrocenyl-containing N-acetyl-2-pyrazolines inhibit in vitro angiogenesis and human lung cancer growth by interfering with F-actin stress fiber polimeryzation
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 2013)Cancer is a significant worldwide health problem generally because of lack of widespread and comprehensive early detection methods. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men worldwide and the second leading ... -
Assessment of anti-angiogenic and anti-tumoral potentials of Origanum onites L. essential oil
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2012)Medicinal plants and culinary herbs with anti-angiogenic and little toxicity properties have gained importance. Non-toxic anti-angiogenic phytochemicals are useful in combating cancer by preventing the formation of new ... -
Induction of apoptosis and inhibition of cell proliferation by the cyclooxgenase enzyme blocker nimesulide in the Ishikawa endometrial cancer cell line
(Elsevier Science BV, 2012)Objectives: Endometrial cancer remains a leading cause of death in women and therefore the development of new therapies is essential. The present study evaluated the effects of nimesulide alone, cisplatin alone, and ...