Güncel Gönderiler: Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 45, listelenen: 21-40
Effects of brand personality, self-congruity and functional congruity on hotel brand loyalty
(Routledge, 2019)In this study, 732 Turkish tourists from 25 five-star hotels serving in Bodrum (Turkey) were surveyed via questionnaires to investigate the effects of brand personality (BP), self-congruity and functional congruity on hotel ... -
Kent merkezinde faaliyet gösteren beş yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde araçsal ve sembolik özelliklerin örgütsel çekiciliğe etkisi
(2013)Yetenekli çalışanlara sahip olma konusunda işletmeler arasında yaşanan rekabet ve işgücünün değişen profili, nitelikli işgücünü bulmak ve elinde tutmak isteyen günümüz işletmelerini mevcut ve potansiyel çalışanları açısından ... -
Eskişehir’in çekici faktörlerinin günübirlik ziyaretçilerin bakış açılarıyla değerlendirilmesi
(2012)Bu çalışma, Eskişehir’in çekici faktörlerinin, ilin bir turistik destinasyon olarak tercih edilmesindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Eskişehir’e gelen 235 günübirlik ziyaretçi üzerinde yürütülen ... -
Sosyal ağ analizi ile turizm alanında yazılmış doktora tezlerinin araştırma konularının incelenmesi
(2013)Doktora tez çalışmaları bir alanın akademik anlamda ilerlemesinde önemli bir araç olarak görülmektedir. Turizm ala nında yazılmış doktora tezlerinin incelenmesi, turizmde akademik alanın hangi ölçüde geliştiğinin ve hangi ... -
The economic growth/development and environmental degradation: evidence from the US state-level EKC hypothesis
(Springer Verlag, 2019)This study investigates the validity of the EKC (environmental Kuznets curve) hypothesis for the 50 US states and a Federal District (Washington, D.C.). To this aim, the common correlated effects (CCE) and the augmented ... -
Food culture in Ibn Battuta's travelogue
(Editura Universitatii din Oradea, 2018)Travelogues are valuable information sources about the period they were written. Ibn Battuta of Tangiers, Morocco, is a famous traveler of the 14th century. In his travelogue, Ibn Battuta exhibits a rich variety of information ... -
The Role of Social Media on Leisure Preferences: A Research on the Participants of Outdoor Recreation Activities
(2016)Main objective of this research is to uncover whether the social media is used to treat time or not, and to reveal how the social media affects leisure preferences. In this scope, semi-structured interview is conducted and ... -
Birinci Sınıf Restoranların Kurumsallaşma Durumu Üzerine Bir Araştırma:Türkiye Örneği
(2014)Çalışmanın amacı; Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren birinci sınıf restoranların özellikleri ile kurumsallaşma boyutları arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaçla öncelikle kurumsallaşma ile ilgili alan yazın taranmış ve ... -
Postmodern Klanlarda Yer Alan Turistlerin Güdüleri: Otostopraıl Türkiye Örneği
(2018)Bu çalışmada, Interrail Türkiye Grubuna bağlı Otostoprail grubuna üye olan postmodern turistlerin güdülerinin neler olduğunun anlaşılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın temel varsayımı, Otostoprail grubunun postmodern bir klan; ... -
Kapalı Rekreasyon Tesislerinde Kullanıcıların Akış Deneyimi
(2015)Çalışmanın amacı, kapalı rekreasyon tesislerindeki kullanıcıların yaşadığı rekreatif deneyimlerde; yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim durumu, tecrübe, haftalık egzersiz sayısı ve aktiviteye katılma düzeyi gibi bireysel etkenlerin ve ... -
Examining the nature involvement and green consumption values of nature photography tourists
(Editura Universitatii din Oradea, 2017)This study examines the nature involvement and green consumption values of nature photography tourists. A questionnaire, developed and based on the literature, was used to collect data from the members of nature photography ... -
Travel Review Websites as Information Resources Perceived by Consumers
(Routledge, 2013)When it comes to tourism, consumer-oriented marketing lies parallel to other businesses. Apart from the old-fashioned and sometimes manipulative methods, such as travel agents' suggestions, the new savvy tourists opt to ... -
Product life cycle of the blue cruise in Turkey
(Medwell Journals, 2016)The beginning of blue cruise in Turkey dates back to 1946, when a number of intellectuals, poets, authors, artists and politicians, went on a blue cruise and the voyage deviated from its aim and became commercialized. The ... -
The role of crete immigrants in development of guest housing in Bodrum
(Medwell Journals, 2016)Bodrum lived through two significant wave of migration from Crete Island in 1897 and 1923 and many Turks were domiciled in Bodrum after the population exchange. A touristic dynamism started in Bodrum in 1958. Thereupon, ... -
Cultural visitors and local residents' interactions: hippies movement at Sultanahmet in the 1960s
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2018)Hippies (and the backpackers) began to visit Turkey in mid-1960s. The "Hippie Movement" to Turkey peaked between 1965 and 1979. After the closing of the "Hippie Trail", the hippie movement witnessed a significant decrease ... -
The effect of economic anxiety and occupational burnout levels of tour guides on their occupational commitment
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2019)This study aims to reveal the effects of economic anxiety and burnout levels of active tour guides in Turkey on their occupational commitment. A questionnaire survey was conducted for this purpose on 370 active tour guides. ... -
Examine destination loyalty of first-time and repeat visitors at all-inclusive resorts
(Emerald Group Publishing LTD, 2017)Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that are likely to influence the loyalty behavior of first-time and repeat visitors to all-inclusive resorts. Design/ methodology/approach - Data were collected ... -
Multidimensional scaling of spectators' motivations to attend a film festival
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2019)The purpose of the article is to examine spectators' motivations to attend a film festival in the context of demographic characteristics. For this purpose, data were collected utilizing a self-administered questionnaire ... -
Improving check-in (C/I) process: an application of the quality function deployment
(Emerald Group Publishing LTD, 2018)Purpose Quality function deployment (QFD) is a suitable tool for understanding the expectations of hotel guests from services provided to them and designing the new one. It is also a well-known technique for improving ... -
Impact of Trust on Local Residents' Mega-Event Perceptions and Their Support
(Sage Publications Inc, 2017)This study examines the influence of residents' trust in government and organizing committee on their impact perceptions and support for a mega-event, namely, 2014 FIFA World Cup. Findings suggest significant relationships ...