Adaptation of the test of early language development third edition (TELD-3) into Turkish: Reliability and validity study [Erken dil gelişimi testiüçüncü versiyonu'nun (test of early language development-third edition) Türkçe'ye uyarlama, geçerlik ve güvenirlik ön çalişmasi]
The purpose of this study is to adapt the Test of Early Language Development (TELD-3) into Turkish language and culture and examine its validity and reliability. While adapting the test, international test adapting principles were carried out. Reliability analyzes were administered to different demographic subgroups and the values have been found very high. In the validity study, it is showed that the test can distinguish the children with typical and atypical language development. There is sufficient coherence between the alternative forms and the correlation with the age is high. The results of the study showed that the test is convenient for Turkish language and culture, with its high reliability and sufficient validity. The test is ready to be used in the study with defined norm scores.