Conversion of CruTS 3.23 data and evaluation of precipitation and temperature variables in a local scale
The precipitation and temperature data obtained from the last version 3.23 of Climate Research Unit Time Series (CruTS) data are evaluated in a local scale. The data obtained for the period 1901-2014 consists of ten climate variables: Precipitation, Mean temperature, Diurnal Temperature Range, Wet-day Frequency, Vapour Pressure, Cloud Cover, Maximum temperatures, Minimum temperatures, frost day frequency, and potential evapotranspiration. These data converted to ASCII format which is usable in GIS environments. Daily precipitation and temperature data of 9 station located in Seyhan basin in Turkey for the period 1973-2000 used for the assessment after converting them to monthly total precipitation and average temperature. The assessment implemented using several statistical measurements: correlation, RMSE, mean difference, median difference, and Mann-Whitney test. The study found that CruTS has high agreement with the observed data in the meaning of the correlation and low RMSE in all stations. The result of mean, median, and Mann-Whitney tests indicate no significant difference between CruTS and the observed data in all station with the exception of two stations; Tomarza station has significant values in the temperature values in all tests; Goksun station has significance difference in the mean test in the two climate variables.