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dc.contributor.authorHacısalihoğlu, Ilyas
dc.contributor.authorYıldız, Fatih
dc.contributor.authorAlsaran, Akgün
dc.contributor.authorPurcek, G.
dc.contributor.editorRipa, M
dc.contributor.editorRipeanu, RG
dc.contributor.editorCicone, T
dc.description13th International Conference on Tribology (ROTRIB) -- SEP 22-24, 2016 -- Galati, ROMANIAen_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000399753500055en_US
dc.description.abstractTitanium and its alloys widely used in load bearing applications. Titanium alloys are capable of providing lower elastic modulus and better corrosion resistance with alloying processes. In spite of the modified mechanical properties, the surface degradation is still the main critical defect. Ti-15Mo alloy is one of the alpa+ beta titanium alloys with acceptable mechanical and chemical superiority. Recent researches in literature show that the wear performance of base Ti-15Mo is relatively low as compared to Ti-6Al-4V, using in high performance applications. Plasma oxidized surfaces increase the tribological and chemical performance of titanium alloys. In this study the Ti-15Mo alloy and Ti-6Al-4V alloys were compared in terms of wear performance. To obtain alloys with similar microstructure they were solution treated at 800 degrees C 1H and then air-cooled. The plasma and thermal oxidations were applied at 650 degrees C for 1 hour. Wear performance of oxidized surfaces investigated in dry conditions. Oxidized surface characterized with XRD, SEM, 3D profilometer and hardness measurements. Wear volume calculated with 3D profilometer. Results show that oxidizing increased the surface roughness and improved the wear performance of Ti15Mo alloy. The plasma and thermal oxidized Ti-15Mo showed a remarkable increase in wear resistance.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUniv Galati, Dunarea Jos, Romanian Tribol Assoc, SC Etansari Grafex SRL, S.C. TOTAL LUBRICANTS ROMANIA S.A., SC NASDIS Consulting SRL, Nanomechan Inc, SC TECHNO VOLT SRL, SC RO MEGA CONTROL SRL, SC MECRO SYSTEM SRL, Gamax Lab Solut Ltd, SC Sartorom Impex SRL, TTZH Tribologie & Hochtechnologie GmbH, Nanovea Inc, SC HISTERESIS SRL, SC NavGAL PROFESSIONAL TEAM SRL, Ducom Instruments Europe B V, SC BRD Groupe Soc Generale SAen_US
dc.publisherIOP Publishing LTDen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering
dc.titleWear behavior of the plasma and thermal oxidized Ti-15Mo and Ti-6Al-4V alloysen_US
dc.relation.journal13th International Conference On Tribology (Rotrib'16)en_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Makine Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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