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dc.contributor.authorTürkay, Semiha
dc.contributor.authorAkçay, Hüseyin
dc.descriptionAnnual Conference on the Society-of-Instrument-and-Control-Engineers -- SEP 17-20, 2007 -- Kagawa Univ, Takamatsu, JAPANen_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000255608501083en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, constraints on the transfer functions from the road disturbance to the vertical acceleration, the suspension travel, and the tire deflection are derived for a quarter-car active suspension system using the vertical acceleration and/or the suspension travel measurements for feedback. The derived constraints complement the similar constraints in the literature. By using the factorization approach to feedback stability, it is shown that tire damping couples the motions of the sprung and unsprung masses; and eliminates a constraint at the wheelhop frequency. The influence of tire damping on the design of an active suspension system for a quarter-car model by a mixture of the LQG methodology and the interpolation approach is illustrated.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipIEEE Ind Electron Soc, IEEE Robot & Automat Soc, IEEE Control Syst Soc, IEEE Syst, Man & Cybernet Soc, Instrumentat, Syst & Automat Soc, Inst Control, Robot, & Syst, China Instrument & Control Soc, Chinese Assoc Automat, Chinese Automat Control Soc, Int Measurement Confederat, IEEE Japan Council, IFAC NMO, Inst Elect Engn Japanen_US
dc.subjectAchievable Performanceen_US
dc.subjectActive Suspensionen_US
dc.subjectTire Deflectionen_US
dc.titleEffect of tire damping on the ride performance potential of active suspension systemsen_US
dc.relation.journalProceedings of Sice Annual Conference, Vols 1-8en_US
dc.contributor.departmentAnadolu Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US]
dc.contributor.institutionauthorTürkay, Semiha
dc.contributor.institutionauthorAkçay, Hüseyin

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