Güncel Gönderiler: Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 195, listelenen: 161-180
Relationship between affective learning, instructor attractiveness and instructor evaluation in videoconferencebased distance education courses
(2012)This paper is intended to reveal the results of a study in which the relationship between learners' perceptions of affective learning, instructors' attractiveness and instructor evaluations in a videoconference based ... -
Attitudes toward online communications in open and distance learning
(2012)This article intended to reveal the results of a survey study in which the students' attitudes toward online communication in open and distance learning were investigated. In the study, affects of the students' gender and ... -
Structural dimensions and functions of student centers in The Open Education Faculty practices: Three metropolis sampling - Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir
(2007)The Open Education Faculty Students Centers have been offering many services to students in Turkey since 1982. Building up bridges between students and faculties; student centers have had technological improvements since ... -
Erasmus Ögrenci Hareketliligi ile Anadolu Üniversitesi'ne Gelen Ögrencilerin Kütüphane Memnuniyet Düzeyleri
(2013)Üniversite kütüphanelerinde sunulan hizmetlerin kullanıcı gereksinim ve beklentilerini karşılaması, onlarda tatmin duygusu yaratması, günümüzde kullanıcı odaklı hizmet anlayışını benimseyen kütüphanelerin verimliliğinde ... -
Generating virtual eye contacts through online synchronous communications in virtual classroom applications
(2007)The Internet usage has been increasing among persons in the worldwide. This situation highlights that the number of potential distance learners has been increasing in the Internet society. Besides, the terms and concepts ... -
Social constructivism and international cooperation in Distance Education
(2006)International cooperation in Distance Education which is a very popular phenomenon today can be explained by the rise of social constructivism in social sciences, namely Education and International Relations, for the purpose ... -
Digital broadcasting and interactive television in distance education: Digital and interactive television infrastructure proposol for Anadolu University Open Education Faculty
(2007)Rapid changes and improvements in the communication and information technologies which emerged in the mid 20th Century and which are still being developed today require new methods, constructions, and arrangements in the ... -
Are there any correlations between fiscality rate, GDP and tax incomes flux? Case study Romania and Turkey
(2009)The academic literature analyzes the fiscality concern from all points of view, and the question which pressed upon the theoreticians and also the practitioners of the last decades remains: which is the adequate level of ... -
Burnout among Turkish high school teachers working in Turkey and abroad: A comparative study
(2009)Introduction: The purpose of this study was to examine perceived levels of burnout among Turkish high school teachers working in Turkey and abroad. Method: A total of 255 Turkish teachers working at public schools in Germany ... -
Environmental education via television: Eskisehir Camlica district case
(2009)We define an environmentally aware individual as: someone who has knowledge about the ecological principles and relations, who cares about environmental problems and events, who knows the meaning and significance of the ... -
The relationship between teacher immediacy behaviours and distant learners' social presence perceptions in videoconferencing applications
(2008)Videoconferencing systems combine face-to-face and mediated interactions in distance education. We extend the use of a Social Presence measure to on-site (face-to-face) learners and distant learners. Comparison between ... -
Creativity and innovation in learning: The changing roles of ICT
(2009)The notions of information, communication and technology constitute the underlying structure of the term ICT. While these elements have instigated change, the use of them has also incited change in a way that the notions ... -
Online course support in distance learning: Student evaluation of english language teaching bachelor of arts program
(2009)Hereby in this study; the opinions of the senior students, who took course support through web based asynchronous communication methods in the academic year 2007-2008 at the Open Education Faculty, English Language Teaching ... -
The use of the taxonomy of educational objectives in Turkey
(1993)Although the introduction of the taxonomy to Turkish education was quite parallel to its development in the United States, it took some time for it to be implemented in practice. In the fields of curriculum development and ... -
Relationship Between Affective Learning, Instructor Attractiveness and Instructor Evaluation in Videoconference-Based Distance Education Courses
(Turkish Online Journal Educational Tech-Tojet, 2012)This paper is intended to reveal the results of a study in which the relationship between learners' perceptions of affective learning, instructors' attractiveness and instructor evaluations in a videoconference based ... -
Distance foreign language learning: The experience of Anadolu University
(2010)This study will present an Internet-based distance language learning model at Anadolu University and will try to find out students' views about distance language learning. Firstly, the positive and negative aspects of using ... -
Characterisation of Cell Surfaces of Host Wheat and Pathogens (Tilletia Foetida and Tilletia Caries)
(Parlar Scientific Publications (PSP), 2018)Common bunt is one of the most destructive and dangerous among fungal wheat diseases. The most familiar species of this seed-born disease are Tilletia foetida and Tilletia caries and these two fungi cause significant yield ... -
Pre-Service Efl Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Goal Orientations, and Participations in an Online Learing Environment
(Anadolu University, 2016)This study examined the pre-service EFL teachers' self-efficacy beliefs, goal orientations, and participations in an online learning environment. Embedded mixed design was used in the study. In the quantitative part of the ... -
The Adaptation Study of the Questionnaires of the Attitude Towards Call (A-Call), the Attitude Towards Cal (A-Cal), the Attitude Towards Foreign Language Learning (A-Fll) to Turkish Language
(Anadolu University, 2018)This study primarily aims to adapt the Foreign Language Learning (FLL), Computer assisted Learning (CAL) and Computer assisted Language Learning (CALL) scales developed by Vandewaetere and Desmet into Turkish context. The ... -
Exam scheduling: Mathematical modeling and parameter estimation with the Analytic Network Process approach
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2010)An invigilator is a person who supervises students during examinations in educational systems. Assigning invigilators to exams is an important phase in the exam scheduling process. The problem has its own constraints and ...