Güncel Gönderiler: Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 156, listelenen: 141-156
Effectiveness of the Preschool Version of the First Step to Success Early Intervention Program for Preventing Antisocial Behaviors
(EDAM, 2016)Preventing antisocial behaviors appearing at an early age-before they become chronic-through effective early intervention programs, has become an important issue in recent years. In Turkey, the increase in the number of ... -
Science Education for Students With Intellectual Disability: a Case Study
(Sci Methodical Ctr-Sci Educologica, 2015)Scientific literacy is a principle objective of education almost in every country. It is mostly underlined in science education. Science education helps students become more productive individuals with the knowledge they ... -
Investigation Studies in the Life Experiences of Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Meta-Synthesis Study
(Anı Publishing, 2019)Qualitative studies that involved the parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders tend to focus on the adaptation efforts of parents after learning of the diagnosis and their experiences at the time. ... -
The Effect of the Psychoeducational Group Family Education Program for Families of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder on Parents: A Pilot Study
(Anadolu University, 2019)Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurobiological developmental deficiency which manifests itself with social interaction and communication disorder and repetitive behaviors and concerns. The individual with ASD have ... -
Effectiveness of Video Modeling Combined with Auditory Technology Support in Teaching Skills for Using Community Resources to Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
(Turkish Education Assoc, 2018)It is known that the ability to use community resources is important to increase the independence of young individuals in the transition to social life and adulthood. The effects of video modeling presented with auditory ... -
Examination of Studies Targeting Social Skills with Pivotal Response Treatment
(EDAM, 2013)In early education, especially in effective teaching to children with autism spectrum disorders, the teaching methods which are applicable in natural settings like pivotal response treatment (PRT) are commonly used. It is ... -
Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability Study of the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale
(Turkish Education Assoc, 2013)The aim of this study is to adapt the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale to Turkish by examining its psychometric properties. Participants were 368 mothers of children with disabilities from 7 cities of Turkey. In ... -
Parents as Teachers: Teaching Parents How to Teach Toilet Skills to Their Children with Autism and Mental Retardation
(Council Exceptional Children, 2009)The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a parent training program for teaching toilet skills to children with autism and mental retardation. The study was conducted with three mothers and their ... -
İşitme Engelli Çocuklarda Okuma Anlama Stratejilerinin Önemi ve Kullanımı
(2005)Okuma sürecinde öğrenilen stratejiler okuyucunun farklı metinleri okuyup anlamasında önemli ve etkilidir. Okuma stratejileri okuma öğrenilirken kullanılan becerilerin edinilebilmesi için gerekli olan tekniklerdir. Farklı ... -
Okuduğunu Anlamada İşitme Engelli Çocukların Soru Yanıt Stratejilerini Etkin Kullanımı
(2003)Bu makale okuduğunu anlamada soru yanıt stratejilerinin kullanılmasının önemi ve yapılacak uygulamalarda dikkat edilmesi gereken özelliklerin açıklanmasını amaçlamaktadır. Sorulara yanıt verebilen, soru sorma becerisi ... -
Examining the Emergent Literacy Experiences of a Preschool Child with Hearing Loss
(Anı Publishing, 2018)The aim of this qualitative case study is to understand a five year old hearing impaired child's emergent literacy activities and behaviors. It is also included others in the child's inner circle in order to examine literacy ... -
Gelişimsel Yetersizlik Gösteren Çocuklara Okul Öncesi Dönem Akademik Becerilerin Öğretiminde Küçük Grup Öğretim Düzenlemesiyle Sunulan Sabit Bekleme Süreli Öğretimin Etkililiği
(EDAM, 2014)Gelişimsel yetersizlik gösteren çocuklara farklı öğretim düzenlemeleri kullanılarak öğretim sunulmaktadır. Bu öğretim düzenlemelerinden biri de küçük grup öğretim düzenlemesidir. Küçük grup öğretim düzenlemesinin, bire-bir ... -
Severity Levels of Autism, Social Interaction Behaviours and School Adjustment of Pre-School Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(Anadolu University, 2018)School adjustment throughout the early years of formal schooling has been examined on scientific studies for various reasons. Because it predicts certain parts of school success in later years, school adjustment has been ... -
Case Study: Collaborative Individualized Education Program Development Process
(Ankara University, Fac Educational Sciences, 2017)The purpose of this study is to reveal the process and the results of the development of an individualized education program (IEP) and gaining the ability to work cooperatively in a team for the junior students of the ... -
Relationships Between Reasoning, Verbal Working Memory, and Language in Children with Early Cochlear Implantation: A Mediation Effect
(Ankara University, Fac Educational Sciences, 2018)The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between reasoning, working memory, and language in children with cochlear implants. A battery of tests of language, working memory, reasoning tasks, and speech perception ... -
Assessment of the Opinions of the Classroom Teachers in Developing Listening Skills of Hearing Impaired Students
(Dergipark Akad, 2019)The aim of this study was to determine primary school teachers' opinions on improving listening skills of students with hearing impaired who are included in their classrooms through inclusion education. The model of the ...