Güncel Gönderiler: Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 86, listelenen: 61-80
Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Teknoloji Kullanımına İlişkin Hazırlanmış Lisansüstü Tezlerin İncelenmes
(2017)Günümüzde bilgi iletişim teknolojilerinde (BİT) yaşanan gelişmeler sadece günlük yaşamımıza etkide bulunmamış, aynı zamanda öğretim ortamlarında kullanılan yeni araçların ve buna bağlı olarak yeni yöntemlerin gelişmesine ... -
Neo-humean analysis of Turkish discourse markers "ama" and "fakat"
(2011)Bağlaçlar, kelimeler ve cümleler ararsında olduğu kadar olaylar ve konuşma eylemleri arasında da ilişkileri inşa eden önemli öğelerdir. Son yıllarda, çeşitli bağlaçların işlevleri ve söylem açısından katkıları üzerine ... -
What About Gender Based Pseudonyms in Blogs?
(2008)Yüz yüze iletişimde cinsiyet farklılıkları işitsel ve görsel ipuçları ile hemen ortaya çıkar. İnternet ortamında, bloglarda bu ipuçları söz konusu değildir; iletişim sadece yazılı olarak sağlanır. Kişisel günlük tutma ve ... -
Electrochemical removal of antimony from spent battery acid - Part 3: Results of laboratory scale trials [Elektrochemische antimonentfernung aus akkumulatorsäure teil 3: Ergebnisse aus abscheideversuchen in laborzellen]
(2006)Synthetic and actual spent battery acid with 20 to 36% sulphuric acid was used in laboratory scale trials to remove dissolved antimony. Electrochemical cells, using anion exchange membranes, were operated on a batch basis. ... -
Reflectivity Through the Analysis of Teacher Talk: the Case of Pre-Service English Language Teachers
(2016)Yansıtıcı uygulamalar, öz-değerlendirmeyi destekleyerek dil öğretmenlerinin yansıtıcı ve eleştirel düşünme seviyesini arttırması açısından önemli bulunmaktadır. Sınıf etkileşimi analizi, öğretmen yansıtmasını geliştirmenin ... -
Blended Learnıng: a Model To Enhance Engagement in Readıng Class
(2018)In academic reading classes in English Language Teaching Department, students are expected to read articles critically in their field; however, many students do not seem to apply much effort in reading course materials. ... -
Linguistic patterns in PhD acknowledgements written in Turkish and english
(Asian EFL Journal Press, 2019)Acknowledgement writing has become a widespread and important academic practice in the expression of gratitude towards addressees for their assistance and it plays an essential role in the establishment of scholarly and ... -
Akademik Metinlerde Eski Bilgi Sözceleri
(2008)Bu çalışmada, dilbilim alanında yazılmış olan Türkçe akademik metinlerdeki Eski Bilgi Sözceleri incelenmiştir. Eski Bilgi Sözcelerinin, okuyucunun bilişsel ve bellek kısıtlılıklarından kaynaklanan güçlükleri aşmasını ve ... -
Seperate and Simultaneous Cumulative Effects of Content and Formal Chemata on Turkish EFL Learners' Reading
(2007)Kapsamlı ve genel kabul görmüş bir okuma-anlama teorisi bulunmaması sebebiyle birçok araştırmacı, okuma sürecini, sürecin oluşturanlarını inceleyerek anlamaya çalışmaktadır. Süreci oluşturan unsurlardan iki tanesi içeriğe ... -
Tümce-Başında Kullanılan Eylemler: Derlem Tabanlı Bir Çözümleme
(2014)Bu çalışmada Türkçede tümce başında (T-başı) yer alan ve nesne olarak yan tümce seçen 22 adet biliş ve duygu eylemi ile bunların yapı ve işlev özellikleri incelenmiştir. Türkçe üzerine yapılan dilbilim araştırmalarında ... -
Reflection on Reflection: EFL University Instructors' Perceptions on Reflective Practices
(Hacettepe University, 2017)Exploring teachers' reflective experiences is important to shed light on understanding how different reflective practices work in classroom settings. The aim of the study was to engage EFL university instructors in ... -
Investigating Language Assessment Knowledge of EFL Teachers
(Hacettepe University, 2019)The purpose of this study is to provide an overall picture regarding general and skill-based Language Assessment Knowledge (LAK) level of English teachers working in Turkish higher education context by using Language ... -
Exploring pre-service teachers' perceived weaknesses during their school-based teaching experience: School-based teaching experience and pre-service teachers' perceived problems
(Common Ground Publishing, 2009)The first year in any profession is daunting: even more so the first year in teaching. (Merrill, 1985: p 7) There is increasing emphasis on using research evidence to assess the effectiveness of teacher preparation and ... -
Foreign language reading anxiety: Proficiency and gender
(2009)This study aimed at investigating the foreign language (FL) reading anxiety level of students enrolled in the extensive English language program at Anadolu University, Turkey. The foreign language reading anxiety level of ... -
Building a synchronous virtual classroom in a distance English Language Teacher Training (DELTT) program in Turkey
(2006)This paper reports a synchronous project, "the virtual classroom" prepared for the Distance English Language Teacher Training (DELTT) Program. The process of developing the synchronous project and the interface with its ... -
A qualitative study on a situated experience of technology integration: reflections from pre-service teachers and students
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2019)Integrating technology into the foreign language classroom has introduced challenging demands for prospective teachers in designing technology-enhanced lessons. Thus, careful guidance is required to help pre-service teachers ... -
Pre-service EFL teachers' reported perceptions of their development through SETT experience
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD, 2016)Recent years have witnessed increasing attention to the role of interaction in the classroom. Regarding the dynamic nature of language classrooms, teacher talk is assumed to promote interaction. Based on this assumption, ... -
Qualities and Qualifications of EFL Professionals: What Do Intensive English Program Administrators Think?
(Wiley, 2017)Recent educational research has underscored the criticality and centrality of teacher quality as a decisive and prominent influence on students' academic growth and success. Consequently, it becomes imperative to define, ... -
Early Lexical Composition of Turkish-Dutch Bilinguals: Nouns Before Verbs Or Verbs Before Nouns
(De Gruyter Mouton, 2016)Nouns and verbs are considered as fundamental categories of lexical development, and there are contradicting views on the order of the acquisition. One view claims that nouns are acquired earlier than verbs and this primacy ... -
Acquisition of Adjectives in a Bilingual Setting: a Developmental Profile of Turkish-Danish Bilinguals
(De Gruyter Mouton, 2017)Acquisition of adjectives by bilingual Turkish children have been touched upon by Boeschoten (1990), Pfaff (1991), Schmidt (2007), and these studies concluded that "the other language" has an effect on Turkish. Ozcan (2013) ...