Güncel Gönderiler: Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 193, listelenen: 41-60
Filtering in the joint time/chirp-rate domain for separation of quadratic and cubic phase chirp signals
(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2012)This article investigates the possibility and convenience of a filtering operation in the joint time/chirp-rate (TCR) domain, and proposes a novel linear TCR filter for decomposing multicomponent signals into their quadratic ... -
A decentralized discrete-time controller for dynamic routing
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 1998)A decentralized controller for dynamic routing in multi-destination large-scale data communication networks is presented. A dynamic model, which can incorporate possibly time-varying different processing delays at different ... -
A new real time home power management system
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2015)In this work, a real time home power management (RTHPM) scheme and the corresponding rule based control algorithm (RTHPM algorithm) are presented. The proposed system produces a real time solution to reduce the electricity ... -
Decentralized Controller Design for Forbidden States Avoidance in Timed Discrete Event Systems
(Ccc Publ-Agora University, 2010)A decentralized controller design approach is developed for the timed discrete event systems which are modelled by timed automata in this work. An approach, called augmentation, is presented to obtain the new modelling ... -
Object reconstruction from in-line Fresnel holograms without explicit depth focusing
(Spie-Int Society Optical Engineering, 2004)We propose two computational techniques for extracting object cross-sectional shape information from digitized in-line Fresnel holograms that do not require prior knowledge of object depths but recover relative depth ... -
Adaptive polyphase subband decomposition structures for image compression
(IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2000)Subband decomposition techniques have been extensively used for data coding and analysis. In most filter banks, the goal is to obtain subsampled signals corresponding to different spectral regions of the original data. ... -
A frequency-domain iterative identification algorithm using general orthonormal basis functions
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2001)In this paper, a two-step frequency-domain identification algorithm is proposed, in which the identified model is parameterized in terms of general orthonormal basis functions. Furthermore an update scheme is presented, ... -
Decentralized control strategies for dynamic routing
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2002)The routing problem in multi-destination data Communication networks is considered. A dynamic model, Which can incorporate arbitrary. different, time-varying processing delays at different nodes, is developed to describe ... -
Rate-based flow controllers for communication networks in the presence of uncertain time-varying multiple time-delays
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2002)An H-infinity based robust controller is designed for a rate-feedback flow-control problem in single-bottleneck communication networks. The controller guarantees stability robustness to uncertain time-varying multiple ... -
Overlapping decompositions, expansions, contractions, and stability of hybrid systems
(IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 1998)Inclusion and extension principles are defined and studied for hybrid systems, The controller design problem for hybrid systems is then considered within the framemork of the extension principle. It is shown that if the ... -
A linear programming based decentralized routing controller for congested highways
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 1999)A decentralized controller for dynamic routing in multidestination trasportation networks is presented. The proposed algorithm is especially suited for congested networks, where the traffic demand is close to or more than ... -
Decentralized routing controller design using overlapping decompositions
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 1999)The use of overlapping decompositions in designing routing controllers for large-scale networks is considered and a decentralized dynamic routing controller design strategy is proposed. The strategy is based on the overlapping ... -
Paley inequalities for discrete-time rational orthonormal bases
(Elsevier Science BV, 2000)In this paper, we derive some inequalities which provide information about the Fourier coefficients of linear-time-invariant discrete-time systems with respect to the bounded rational orthonormal basis functions studied ... -
On the existence of a disk algebra basis
(Elsevier Science BV, 2000)In this paper, approximation of discrete-time systems by fixed pole orthonormal basis functions is investigated. It is shown that if accumulation points of basis poles do not cover the entire unit circle, then the Fourier ... -
Continuous-time stable and unstable system modelling with orthonormal basis functions
(John Wiley & Sons LTD, 2000)In this paper, model sets for linear time-invariant continuous-time systems which are spanned by fixed-pole orthonormal bases are investigated. The obtained model sets are shown to be complete in the Lebesque spaces L-p ... -
Synthesis of complete rational orthonormal bases with prescribed asymptotic order
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2001)In this paper, a method to construct complete rational orthonormal model sets with prescribed asymptotic order is presented for continuous-time systems. Two special cases that illustrate the application of the method are ... -
General orthonormal bases or robust identification in H-infinity
(Siam Publications, 2001)In this paper, the problem of system identification in H-infinity with general orthonormal basis functions is investigated. A two-stage algorithm is show to be robust, provided that the umber of basis elements as a function ... -
Overlapping decompositions and expansions of Petri nets
(IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2002)Overlapping decompositions and expansions are considered to design decentralized controllers for discrete-event systems (DESs) modeled, by Petri nets. The inclusion principle for Petri nets is first defined. It is shown ... -
A generalization of a standard inequality for Hardy space H-1
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2001)In this paper, we generalize a standard inequality for the Hardy space H-1 to involve a family of rational basis systems with cyclically repeated poles. This inequality is used to derive an inequality that gives information ... -
Decentralized supervisory controller design to avoid deadlock in Petri nets
(Taylor & Francis LTD, 2003)A decentralized supervisory controller design approach, using overlapping decompositions, is proposed for discrete-event systems modelled by Petri nets to avoid deadlock. In this approach, the given original Petri net is ...