Güncel Gönderiler: Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 552, listelenen: 101-120
Two dimensional (2D) subspace classifiers for image recognition
(2006)The Class-Featuring Information Compression (CLAFIC) is a pattern classification method which uses a linear subspace for each class. In order to apply the CLAFIC method to image recognition problems, 2D image matrices must ... -
Two-dimensional CLAFIC methods for image recognition [Görüntü tanimada i·ki boyutlu CLAFIC yöntemleri]
(2006)In this paper, we propose two variations of vector based class-featuring information compression (CLAFIC) methods which can be applied directly to the gray level digital image data. In these methods, gray level digital ... -
Robust control design for time-delay systems using non-causal uncertainty blocks
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014)Robust controller design problem for time-delay systems is considered. Both the time-delays, which may appear at the inputs and/or outputs of the plant, and the finite-dimensional part of the plant are assumed to be subject ... -
A 2-D orientation-adaptive prediction filter in lifting structures for image coding
(2006)Lifting-style implementations of wavelets are widely used in image coders. A two-dimensional (2-D) edge adaptive lifting structure, which is similar to Daubechies 5/3 wavelet, is presented. The 2-D prediction filter predicts ... -
Multi-objective control design for a truck cabin
(IFAC Secretariat, 2014)In this paper, a multi-objective control of a three-degrees-of-freedom cabin model for a commercial truck excited by random road disturbances is studied. The multi-objective control problem is formulated as a non-convex ... -
An application of topological median filters on detection and clustering of microcalcifications in digital mammograms
(2006)Existence of microcalcification clusters on mammograms is one of the earliest signs of breast cancers. In this study, a method that is based on topological median filters is proposed for the automated detection of ... -
Active suspension design for an idealized truck cabin
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014)In this paper, a prototype three-degree-of-freedom cabin model for a commercial truck is derived to study ride motions of the cabin under random road excitations. An active suspension system is designed using the ... -
Prediction error PDF improvement in multichannel predictive coders [Çok kanalli öngörüye dayali kodlayicilarda öngörü hata dagiliminin i·yileştirilmesi]
(2006)In this paper, multichannel predictive image coder outputs are investigated within each channel. By obtaining prediction error biases and compensating them in each channel, the total error histogram is sharpened -
The mycielski78 compression algorithm [Mycielski78 sikiştirma algori·tmasi]
(2006)The Mycielski predictor is a prediction algorithm that utilizes the infinite past of a data sequence. The algorithm resembles the LZ77 compression method. LZ78, on the other hand, is a dictionary based lossless compression ... -
Parameters and power flow analysis of the 380 -kV interconnected power system in Turkey
(2006)This paper presents all the general overview of the interconnected power system in Turkey which consists of 30 generation and 35 load buses, totaling 65 buses connected each other with 380-kV power transmission lines. Also ... -
On the orthogonality of block wavelet transforms [Blok dalgacik dönüşümlerinin dikligi üzerine]
(2006)In this paper, orthogonality of Block Wavelet Transforms (BWT) is shown. First the orthogonality of one-stage and two-stage Block Wavelet Transforms is shown, then the result is generalized for multi-stage Block Wavelet Transform -
A time improvement over the Mycielski algorithm for predictive signal coding: Mycielski-78
(2006)The Mycielski algorithm is commonly known for applications requiring high quality predictions due to its infinite-past rule based prediction method. Since it repeatedly searches from the beginning of the data source, the ... -
A preliminary detailed study on constructed hybrid (wind-photovoltaic) system under climatically conditions of Eskisehir Region in Turkey
(2006)Wind and solar power provide a clean energy resource and are promising in the short term in Turkey. In this study, the usage of wind and solar energy to produce electricity and the possibility of electrical energy production ... -
Performance of file replication policies for real-time file access in data grids
(Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2007)A variety of file replication and replacement algorithms were proposed for the Data Grids in the literature. On the other hand, real-time Grid applications are emerging in many disciplines of science and engineering. Thus, ... -
Pdf sharpening for multichannel predictive coders
(2006)Predictive coders that split the prediction decision into con-texts depending on the local image behaviour have proved to be practically useful and successful in image coding applications. Such predictive coders can be ... -
Separation of noisy astrophysical images by blind time-frequency source separation methods [Gürültülü astroflziksel görüntü karişimlannin kör zaman-siklik kaynak ayriştirma yöntemleri ile ayriştirilmasi]
(2007)Two blind time-frequency source separation methods in the literature are adapted to astrophysical image mixtures and four algorithms are developed to separate them into their cosmic components; cosmic microwave background ... -
Deadlock analysis for continuous Petri nets by using overlapping decompositions
(2007)The continuous Petri nets model, in which the tokens are denoted by real numbers and the firing of transitions depends on speeds of each transition and time, is considered to analyse deadlock in this work. Deadlock analysis, ... -
Endpoint detection of isolated words using center of gravity method [Agirlik merkezi yöntemini kullanarak yalitik kelimelerin uç noktalarinin belirlenmesi]
(2007)In this study, center of gravity (COG) method is proposed to detect endpoints of isolated words. Common vector approach (CVA) is employed to evaluate the effect of the proposed method in the isolated word recognition. Since ... -
Topology based corner detection [Topolojiye dayali köşe tespiti]
(2007)A new corner detection algorithm based on the topological median filter is proposed. Topological quasi dilation and erosion operators with circular structuring element are used to detect the corners on gray level images. -
Decentralized robust flow controller design for data-communication networks
(2007)An important problem in the operation of data-communication networks is congestion. A tool which is used to avoid congestion is flow control. A flow controller decides on the rate of messages to be admitted to the network ...