Güncel Gönderiler: Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 26, listelenen: 21-26
Öğrencilerin Çok Çözümlü Problemler ile İmtihanı: Çözümlerde Kullanılan Stratejilerin Belirlenmesi
(2015)Çok çözümlü problemler öğrenciye birbirinden farklı yöntemleri kullanarak aynı sonuca ulaşma imkânı veren, birden fazla yolla çözülebilen matematiksel görevler ya da birden fazla yolla kanıtlanabilen matematiksel durumlar ... -
İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmen Adaylarının Teknoloji Destekli Geometri Dersindeki Geometrik Oluşum Edinimleri
(2012)Bu çalışma kapsamında ilköğretim matematik öğretmenliği öğrencilerinin oluşum problemlerinin çözümünde, oluşum araçlarını (hesap makinesi ve geometrik çizim araçları) nasıl kullandıklarına ve oluşumu gerçekleştirirken var ... -
Early Algebra: The Levels of 3th, 4th and 5th Grade Students' Generalisations of Functional Relationship
(Anı Publishing, 2019)The purpose of this study is to determine the students' levels of generalisation of functional relationships in third, fourth and fifth grade. The design of the study was a basic qualitative research study. Participants ... -
Hypothetical Learning Trajectory to the Development of Sixth Grade Students' Knowledge about Fractions and Addition-Subtraction in Fractions
(Dergipark Akad, 2019)Fractions are one of the most difficult and complex topics in elementary school mathematics, both in terms of teaching and learning. Indicated research results on students' failure in fractions and teachers' inadequate ... -
How Do Students Prove Their Learning and Teachers Their Teaching? Do Teachers Make a Difference?
(Anı Yayıncılık, 2016)Problem Statement: Gaining reasoning skills in early years affects the formal proving skills in the following years, thus it is quite significant. The acquiring of this skill is only possible with the approaches that the ... -
Transpositions of Function Concept in Mathematics Curricula and Textbooks from the Historical Development Perspective
(Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Fac Education, 2019)In the historical process, scientific knowledge is constantly changing and developing. Concepts in curricula and textbooks are also affected by these changes and developments. The function concept is a typical example of ...