Weak-point analysis of shuttering and reinforcement work in façade manufacturing [Schwachstellenanalyse der schalungs- und bewehrungsarbeiten in der fassadenfertigung]
On the basis of the study carried out (in the precasting plants with stationary tilting table and circulating-pallet manufacturing), the conclusion can be drawn that stationary manufacturing procedures are in greater need of rationalization than are the circulating-pallet production methods. The circulation method constitutes a prerequisite for an automated production flow. The advantages of a circulating-pallet production in comparison with a stationary production are apparent by the following considerations: - More tidiness and greater overview because of individual work stations - Assurance of an uninterrupted work flow - Increase in the productivity by the employment of more specialized manpower - Reduction in the need to use a crane for transportation operations within the plant, e.g. only for hoisting the precast components - Shorter working and transportation routes - A higher productivity and increase in efficiency by the rationalization of operation segments as well as by increasing the extent of mechanization, and the greater use of machinery.