Güncel Gönderiler: Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 46, listelenen: 41-46
Perceptions and newspaper coverage of Syrian refugees in Turkey
(Transnational Press London, 2015)In this study we analysed the perceptions about Syrian refugees as reflected in the newspapers. A qualitative design based on content analysis was adopted in this research. The news on Syrian refugees appeared in Hurriyet, ... -
Family Background, Different Forms of Capital, and Student Achievement in Turkish High Schools
(Kamla-Raj Enterprises, 2015)There is a remarkable difference among the types of high school in the Turkish education system in terms of the level of academic achievement. The present paper aims to investigate the fundamental dynamics of this difference ... -
Women and Gender Relations in University Management
(Turkiye Orta Dogu Amme İdaresi Enstitüsü, 2016)Underrepresentation of women in decision-making mechanisms is an important problem in terms of gender equality in Turkey and in the world. Feminist research in recent years, have drawn attention to the impact of gender on ... -
The Relation Between Social Capital and Health: What do Empirical Studies Show?
(İstanbul University, 2018)As a consequence of neoliberal economy politics, the states began to retreat from providing health services and health systems began to be a part of free markets. This resulted in a focus on individual and societal assets ... -
Trying to Understand the (New?) Middle Classes Via Eating Practises
(İstanbul University, Methodology & Sociology Research Center, 2016)This study attempts to understand middle class consumption patterns, particularly eating out phenomenon in the limits of sociology of food and nutrition. Middle class, when its position towards consumption is evaluated ... -
'Lifelong Learning' as the Collapse of Public Sphere and the Burden of Responsibility on Individuals: A Contribution to the Criticisms on Education and Employment Policies
(Turkiye Orta Dogu Amme İdaresi Enstitüsü, 2017)This study suggests that the understanding of lifelong learning led by the organizations such as World Bank, OECD, and European Union etc. that endeavor to articulate education/learning with employment through which new ...