Güncel Gönderiler: Bildiri Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 113, listelenen: 21-40
Achieving private SVD-based recommendations on inconsistently masked data
(Tafford Publishing, 2008)Users' concerns about private data might be different and they want various privacy levels. Therefore, they might decide to mask their data differently to achieve required privacy levels. Providing collaborative filtering ... -
Application of rainfall-runoff modeling with neuro-fuzzy
(2007)The use of fuzzy approach is becoming increasingly common in the analysis of hydrology and water resources problems. In this research, a fuzzy inference system was developed and used to model the rainfall-runoff relationship ... -
The estimation of daily temperature by artificial and fuzzy neural network methods
(2007)In this study, the estimation of daily temperature of a region by fuzzy logic is discussed and some results are presented. Temperature is an atmospheric parameter which can be estimated by means of some other atmospheric ... -
A multi-criteria item-based collaborative filtering framework
(IEEE Computer Society, 2014)Collaborative filtering methods are utilized to provide personalized recommendations for users in order to alleviate information overload problem in different domains. Traditional collaborative filtering methods operate ... -
Circular traffic sign recognition empowered by circle detection algorithm [Daire tespit algoritmasi ile güçlendirilmis dairesel trafik isareti tanima]
(2013)Automatic traffic sign detection and recognition is one of the most important components of advanced driver assistance systems. In this paper, a novel method utilizing histograms of oriented gradients based features together ... -
Quantification of projective distortion for fiducial markers [Duzlemsel dsaretciler dcin dzdusumsel carpikligin nicelendirilmesi]
(2013)The aim of this study is to quantify the projective distortion of candidate quadrilaterals found in a square-framed fiducial marker detection algorithm. Based on the quantified value, candidates can be eliminated in such ... -
A robust CSS corner detector based on the turning angle curvature of image gradients
(2013)In this study, we present a new contour-based corner detection method based on the turning angle curvature computed from the contour gradients of the image. In general, curvature is computed with the pixel locations of the ... -
Nonlinear system modeling with dynamic adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
(IEEE Computer Society, 2014)This paper introduces the architecture and learning procedure of dynamic adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (DANFIS) for nonlinear dynamical system modeling. In our DANIS model, IF part of the rules are comprised of ... -
Privacy-preserving kriging interpolation on distributed data
(Springer Verlag, 2014)Kriging is one of the most preferred geostatistical methods in many engineering fields. Basically, it creates a model using statistical properties of all measured points in the region, where a prediction value is sought. ... -
Finding the state sequence maximizing P(O, I\?) on distributed HMMs with privacy
(2009)Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are widely used by many applications for forecasting purposes. They are increasingly becoming popular models as part of prediction systems in nance, marketing, bio-informatics, speech recognition, ... -
Induction motor fault diagnosis via current analysis on time domain [Zaman bölgesinde akim analiziyle i·ndüksiyon motoru hata tespiti]
(2009)This study proposes a novel approach to induction motor fault diagnosis through motor current analysis. Most of the previous works employing motor current analysis use spectral methods to extract required features for ... -
Improving privacy-preserving NBC-based recommendations by preprocessing
(2010)Providing accurate predictions efficiently with privacy is imperative for both customers and e-commerce vendors. However, privacy, accuracy, and performance are conflicting goals. Although producing referrals with privacy ... -
Edge drawing: A heuristic approach to robust real-time edge detection
(2010)We propose a new edge detection algorithm that works by computing a set of anchor edge points in an image and then linking these anchor points by drawing edges between them. The resulting edgemap consists of perfect ... -
A 3D lifting based motion compensation augmented video coder [Hareket dengeleme katkili 3B yükseltmeye dayali video kodlayici]
(2009)This study introduces a video compression method that uses spatio - temporal lifting based algorithms to compress the video signals. The temporal correlation of consecutive frames causes temporal redundancies, which are ... -
On a dynamic wavelet network and its modeling application
(Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2003)This study presents a nonlinear dynamical system modeling with dynamic wavelet networks (DWNs). Wavelet is widely used in processing of signals and data. It has been also shown that wavelet can be effectively used in ... -
Quality benchmarking relational databases and Lucene in the TREC4 adhoc task environment
(2010)The present work covers a comparison of the text retrieval qualities of open source relational databases and Lucene, which is a full text search engine library, over English documents. TREC-4 adhoc task is completed to ... -
A comparison of relational databases and information retrieval libraries on turkish text retrieval
(2008)The present work covers a comparison of the text retrieval performances of relational databases and IR Systems over a TREC-like test collection for Turkish. The effects of language specific preprocessing and different query ... -
Feature selection for power quality event classification [Güç kalitesi olaylarinin siniflandirilmasi için öznitelik seçimi]
(2008)Power quality events may result in interruption or malfunctioning of electrical equipments that are fed through the voltage line. Detection of such cases by monitoring the voltage waveform remains an important engineering ... -
Turkish question answering question answering for distance education students
(2008)This paper reports on our progress towards building a Turkish Question Answering System to be used by distance education students of Anadolu University. We have converted 205 electronic books in PDF format to text, extracted ... -
Privacy-Preserving Concordance-based Recommendations on Vertically Distributed Data
(IEEE, 2012)Recommender systems are attractive components of e-commerce. Customers apply such systems to get help for choosing the appropriate product to purchase. To provide accurate and dependable referrals, recommender systems ...