Güncel Gönderiler: Mühendislik Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 2037, listelenen: 1161-1180
On the performance limitations of quarter-car active suspension models
(2007)In this paper, constraints on the road disturbance transfer functions are derived for a quarter-car active suspension system. The derived constraints complement the existing constraints in the literature. By using the ... -
A simulation algorithm for real systems using petri nets
(2007)The real systems are considered to determine all states in the given time interval in this work. The timed Petri net that time delays are assigned to the transition is chosen to model for the real systems. Then, a new class ... -
A novel lossless image compression approach: "Cooperative prediction"
(2007)Conditional predictive image coders (such as LOCO, CALIC, etc.) split the prediction rule into logical cases (channels) and produce prediction residuals for each case. It is a known fact that the distributions of these ... -
A reversibility enforcement approach for Petri nets using invariants
(2008)Petri net model which is one of the most common modelling method of discrete event systems, is considered to enforce reversibility in this work. Reversibility guarantees that the intial state is reachable from any state ... -
Influence of tire damping on the H2 optimally designed half-car active suspensions
(2008)In this paper, the rms responses of the heave and pitch accelerations, the suspension travels, and the tire deflections of a half-car model excited by random road inputs are studied. The road excitation at the front wheel ... -
Randomness analysis of Antimycielski number generator [Anti-mycielski sayi ureteci·ni·n rastsallik anali·zi·]
(2008)Random number generation is one of the important issues of cryptography. Based on the efficient Mycielski predictor, we propose a new random number generation algorithm, denoted by Anti-mycielski, which generates a new ... -
Steepest descent algorithm for block wavelet transform filter coefficients that generate orthogonal transform matrix [Dik Dönüşüm matrisi üreten blok dalgacik süzgeç katsayilarinin en dik i·niş algoritmasi i·le bulunmasi]
(2008)It's known that the transform matrix generated by Block Wavelet Transform (BWT) is orthogonal. Eigenvector matrix of the autocorrelation matrix obtained in Karhunen-Loeve transform is also orthogonal. This matrix is used ... -
An eye-glasses-like wearable eye gaze tracking system [Gözlük tabanli bir göz hareket takip sistemi]
(2008)In this study, a new eye tracking system that works by wearing an eye-glasses-like apparatus with attached sensors, is introduced. Due to the working principle of the system, the device is called the Eye Touch system. The ... -
A 2 dimensional solar radiation model [2 Boyutlu bir güneş işinim şiddeti modeli]
(2008)In this study solar radiation data obtained from Eskisehir region is mathematically modeled using a two dimentional (2D) approach. The approach and model is novel in the literature of solar radiation modeling. The analysis ... -
Unit commitment scheduling by using the neural network-weighted frequency bin blocks based next day load forecasting
(2008)Unit commitment (UC) and load forecasting analyses are important because low-cost generation is one of the most significant points in power systems. Since UC solves for an optimum schedule of generating units based on load ... -
Mycielski Algoritması ile Rüzgar Hızı Tahmini
(2009)Rüzgar hız tahmini, rüzgar ile ilgili mühendislik problemlerinde önemli bir yer tekil eder. Fakat her meteorolojik olay gibi rüzgar da rastsal davranışlar sergilemektedir. Dolayısıyla bilinen istatistiksel yöntemlerle duyarl ... -
Detection of mechanical faults in induction motors supplied with adjustable speed drives
(2009)In this work, the mechanical faults that occur in induction motors, which are widely used in industry due to their simple and rugged construction and cost effective pricing, are analyzed. The certain fault modes are generated ... -
Rational interpolation of analytic functions from real or imaginary parts of frequency-response data: A subspace-based approach
(2009)In this letter, construction of analytic functions from evaluations of real or imaginary parts on finite subsets of the unit circle is studied. The points in the subsets are not necessarily uniformly spaced as in the most ... -
(2009)Bu çalışmada, güç sistemi optimizasyonunda önemli bir konu olan birim yüklenme problemi, dinamik programlama, gevşetilmiş Lagrange ve benzetimli tavlama yöntemi kullanılarak çözülmüştür. Dinamik programlama yöntemi, minimum ... -
Mycielski approach for synthetic wind speed data generation [Yapay rüzgar hizi verisi üretiminde mycielski yaklaşimi]
(2009)In this paper, a novel Mycielski based approach for wind speed data generation is developed and presented. The efficincy of the proposed approach is tested using hourly wind speed data obtained from İzmir region. To test ... -
Effects of temperature and pressure information in a hybrid (fourier series / neural networks) solar radiation model
(2009)Solar radiation modeling is a critical step in efficient management of solar energy. In this study, a novel solar radiation modeling procedure is developed with the a-priori information of temperature and pressure values, ... -
A fast method for the common vector approach [Ortak vektör yaklaşimi i·çin hizli bir yöntem]
(2009)In this paper a new method is proposed to perform the Common Vector Approach(CVA). While CVA performs the classification with respect to the distance between vectors, the new method performs the classification with respect ... -
Comparing PI controllers for delay models of TCP/AQM networks
(IFAC Secretariat, 2010)In this paper, ns-2 simulations and related comparisons of four different PI controllers designed for TCP/AQM networks will be presented. The simulations are performed for various scenarios -
Supervisory controller design to enforce some basic properties in timed Petri nets
(2009)Supervisory controller design to enforce boundedness, reversibility, and liveness in timed Petri nets with firing durations is considered. It is assumed that both controllable and uncontrollable transitions may be present ... -
Representation of the state of timed-place Petri nets using stretching
(2009)Unlike untimed Petri nets, representation of the state of a timed Petri net and describing its evolution is not an easy task. Here, an approach, called place-stretching, is introduced to represent the state of a timed-place ...