Güncel Gönderiler: Mühendislik Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 2037, listelenen: 1101-1120
Decentralized robust control of infinite-dimensional systems
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)Decentralized robust control of infinite-dimensional systems is considered. A decentralized robust controller design approach for such systems is proposed. In this approach, overlapping decompositions is first used to ... -
PLD: Power line detection system for aircrafts
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)Power Line Detection (PLD) is still an important issue for aircraft safety. In this study, two simple PLD algorithms are developed that utilize two alternative line detection algorithms (EDLines and LSD) and feed their ... -
(2011)Bu makalede güç sistemlerinde kısa dönem kırpışma(flicker) şiddeti Pst’yi hesaplamak için Hilbert Huang dönüşümünün (HHT) kullanımına dayalı bir yaklaşım önerilmektedir. HHT lineer ve durağan olmayan sinyallerin analizinde ... -
Tracking of Platforms above Sea-level in Visual Band Videos using Covariance based Tracker and Feature Selection
(2011)In this study, a feature based tracker is developed in order to track platforms above sea-level in visual band videos. The covariance descriptor, known as an efficient method in object detection and classification problems, ... -
Çevresel Aykırılığa Dayalı Bir Hedef Tespit Algoritması
(2011)Automatic target detection algorithms enable in military and civilian applications the detection of low-contrast and spatially small targets that can not be detected by a human operator and remove the requirement of permanent ... -
(2011)Gerçek zamanlı yüz tanıma uygulamaları için öznitelik vektörü boyutu çok önemlidir. Yüksek boyutlu öznitelik vektörleri yüz tanıma sisteminin hesaplama karmaşıklığını ve yürütüm süresini arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, ... -
Effect of multiple flow on performance of real-time data grids
(2011)Multicommodity flow problem deals with delivering multiple data items residing on different source machines on a networking system to their destinations in an efficient manner, while respecting the bandwidth and cost ... -
A new approach to estimate red parameters using global congestion notification
(2011)In communication networks, congestion avoidance in routers is one of the hottest topics. In this work, a new queue management approach is proposed on the RED (Random Early Detection) algorithm by monitoring the global ... -
(2011)Hilbert Huang Dönüşümü (HHT) Huang tarafından önerilen, Flandrin ve ekibi tarafından geliştirilen lineer ve durağan olmayan sinyallerin analizinde kullanılan yeni bir sinyal işleme yöntemidir. Bu çalışmada, güç ... -
Active suspension design based on linear-matrix inequalities and fixed-order controllers
(2011)In this paper, influence of tire damping on multi-objective control of quarter-car suspensions excited by random road disturbances is studied. The active suspension design problem is first formulated as a mixed H 2/? ... -
Compact Keccak Hardware Architecture for Data Integrity and Authentication on FPGAs
(2012)Cryptographic hash functions play a crucial role in networking and communication security, including their use for data integrity and message authentication. Keccak hash algorithm is one of the finalists in the next ... -
Robust tracking and disturbance rejection for systems with distributed time-delay
(2011)The robust servomechanism problem, which is to design a stabilizing controller such that the system output robustly tracks a given reference signal in the presence of certain disturbances, is considered for linear ... -
Compact hardware architecture for Hummingbird cryptographic algorithm
(2011)Hummingbird is an ultra-lightweight cryptographic algorithm aiming at resource-constrained devices. In this paper, we present an enhanced hardware implementation of the Hummingbird cryptographic algorithm that is based on ... -
Frequency domain subspace identification of discrete-time singular power spectra
(2011)In this paper, we propose a subspace algorithm for the identification of linear-time-invariant discrete-time systems with more outputs than inputs from measured power spectrum data. The proposed identification algorithm ... -
A unified model for real-time data grids supporting distributed scheduling of jobs
(2011)There exist a number of simulators, emulators, and production platforms in the literature proposed for Grid computing. Each of them assumes different models; presents and supports their own list of functions. Yet, in the ... -
Trajectory tracking control of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots: Combined direct and indirect adaptive control using multiple models approach
(2012)This paper presents a novel methodology for the trajectory tracking control of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots using multiple identification models. The overall control system includes two stages. In the first stage, a ... -
Compact implementation of threefish and Skein on FPGA
(2012)The SHA-3 finalist Skein is built from the tweak able Threefish block cipher. In order to have a better understanding of the computational efficiency of Skein (resource sharing, memory access scheme, scheduling, etc.), we ... -
Simulation of real-time Data Grid systems via DGridSim simulator
(2012)In this study, DGridSim simulator will be introduced and some example simulation results will be presented. DGridSim can simulate four different Data Grid system organizations. Furthermore, for every system organization, ... -
Strong stabilization of time-delay systems
(IFAC Secretariat, 2012)Stable controllers are required due to modelling imperfections and for better performance achievements. As is well known, a stable stabilizing controller for a given real-rational plant exists if and only if the plant ... -
Content-based image retrieval of centroblast cells and noncentroblast cells in Follicular lymphoma [Sentroblast ve sentroblast olmayan folli·küler lenfoma hücre resi·mleri·ne i·çeri·k tabanli geri· eri·şme]
(2012)In this study content-based image retrieval is applied to hematoxylin and eosin H&E stained Follicular lymphoma centroblast cell images and K-nearest neighbour classifier is used with multi-texton histogram features. With ...